The Imperfect Perfectionist-That's M.E.!

Please read this post to the end. 10 Q.

There is something perfect about M.E.- I am perfectly created by a perfect God that is interested in me walking before Him perfectly (without blemish)!

I'm a perfect description of a perfectionist per excellence with perfect limitations. My perfectionism, therefore, is the proof of my imperfection!

I'm so in love with perfection-perfect behaviour and a way of thinking that I critique with reckless abandon what is imperfect. Thus, my imperfection!

If you can't do things the way I 'presume' it to be done perfectly, I'll perfectly pooh-pooh your efforts such that your efforts will be placed a little lower than the acceptable standard!

One thing I hate is people who try to trample my ego (especially in public), as a substitute for their own endoursement by the observers around that they are better. I'll fight you with my last drop of blood. Oh foolish me, oh imperfect me craving for significance!

I'm so in love with principles that I believe in its universality otherwise its a peculiar experience, neglecting the idea that even principles work only by the individual's belief. My principles are without limitations and so are yours!

Yes, 'These signs shall follow them that believe not them that are principled. You are what you believe and what you so believe you behave until it eventually become your reality!

My blind prejudice has really tell on me. And justifiably so, that I think I'm special and more priviledged than others until I realise that am just like any other person out there. I can't always be right or correct except in my own eyes. I'm prone to mistakes and 'all-time takes'. Yes, I'm that human. I am homo sapien!

I'm not perfect from here to there. I can't be that perfect and aware to the point that I can see my back. No one will. At best, am a perfectionist only perfecting but will never attain perfection!

Now, I see perfection as an infeasible state. Take it or leave it, at every point in time we consciously or unconsciously exhibit our nuisance or wisdom value despite our diligent self control and ruly behavuour. He is perfect without frailty who is equal to God! QED

What makes us human is not our virtue but our vice- overbloated ego, perfect flaws or flawless imperfection, self-centeredness-'me, myself and I' mentality, unobserved ignorance, boisterous arrogance, mischievious grin, sheepish laugher as a display of mockery, misconduct, misunderstanding, baseless argument, crass stubborness, timidity in lieu of humility, assertive stupidity, unnecessary jealousy, acute mediocrity, diligent misinterpretation of thought informing our realities!

If you are human and you have non of the aforementioned, I'll begin to doubt if you are truly human- maybe a deity of some sort. You derserved to be worshiped. Its human to be imperfect so long you are aiming 'perfection' till thy kingdom come!

Bottom line: There is no perfection anywhere. No man born of a woman can exhibit perfect behaviour at all times without a little compromise, no human is an island or should I say reserviour of knowledge, no dream get fulfilled without collaborative efforts of a team. It is team work that makes the dream work!

We all need each other to make this world a better place and a 'perfecting' habitual habitation for us all.

Thanks for reading. Hope you gorrit-the message?

-- Samuel Adu
(M.E.-Mr. Exponent)
Primus inter pares...first amongst equals
Watsapp: 08082970635
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