I NEED TO KNOW…Episode 2

So today, we will continue with the Episode 2 of our I NEED TO KNOW series.

If you miss part one and will like to read it, use the search button on this blog and type “I NEED TO KNOW…Episode 1”. It will pop up. There you have it.

Alright, enjoy episode 2 below;

A thousand disappointments in the past cannot equal the power of one positive action right now.
Go ahead and go for it.

Sometimes you have to go through the worst in order to get to the best.

Bill Gates told his university professors that he'd be a millionaire by the age of 30 - He became a billionaire by the age of 31. How old are you now? And what is your dream?

You will never be happy if you continue to hold on to the things that make you sad. Bitterness keeps your heart bitter.

Don't add ice to your tea - use frozen fruit instead! It won't dilute the tea, and it adds a nice subtle flavor.
Humans are the only creatures on earth that will cut down trees, make paper and then write "SAVE TREES" on them. *pensive*

Nothing's more fun than doing what people say you can't do!

Crying releases extra stress hormones, which is why you feel better after doing so. It’s ok to cry.

Laughter destroys tumor cells and reduces risk of cancer by 25%. #‎LaughByAllMeans

“It is only the ignorant who despise education” -- Publilius Syru

In computing: If you accidentally close a tab, you can bring it back up by holding Control+Shift+Pressing the T button. (On Mac: cmd + shift + T)

To see if batteries are good, drop them on the floor. If they bounce once, they're good. If they bounce more than once they're empty.

The best revenge is to move on, get over it, and continue to succeed. Never give someone the satisfaction of watching you suffer.

Each pineapple plant produces just one pineapple per year. I bet you don’t know this.

Confidence is not ‘they will like me’. Confidence is ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t’
Things everyone should know.

80% of the time, it's not that a person changed....you just never knew who they actually were.

The creator of Johnny Bravo, the creator of Powerpuff Girls, and the creator of Dexter’s Laboratory were all roommates in college. Got it?

If you make eye contact with a girl, smile before you look away. You'll seem significantly less awkward than you feel.

Death is actually the second most common fear among people these days -- The first being failure.”

Psychologically, words are immensely powerful. One cruel remark can wound someone for life.

The person you think about the most is either the reason for your sadness or happiness. That’s deep!

Now that you know...
To be continued.

Oh, Tomorrow is September!
Happy New Month in advance!


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