Of Covid-19 And The New World Order

It’s a brand-new era, an emergence of a new world order. We are in a season of spontaneous change, a dispensation of increase and newness. New vistas, new frontiers, new powers, globalization…

A fresh dawn is right here for our lawn, scaring and starring at us. Like the breath of a fresh air, post Covid is here. All is come for our restart, replan and restrategy. To rethink and look back at our times of yore. Our struggles, pains, successes and failures. The ups and down, the conquest…and now the crown…

Covid-19 came to obstruct, distruct, destruct, distract and distort our plans and programmes. We were all perplexed and swept under our feet without our consent. The entire world stood still and helpless at the face of a pandemic. The rich, the middle class, the poor and the proper paupers, the rich and advanced nations, the 3rd world countries, the whites and the men of colour all in awe at the accompanied bedeviling nature of a pandemic. Suddenly, social-strata or call it class disappeared; we are all in for one thing—safety and survival. Whichever way you what to see, we are all in this together.

In search for a cure or a vaccine, the only escape in the short run, is to stay indoors, observe social distancing, wear a face mask, or do personal hygiene by thoroughly washing of hands with soap and clean water or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Everyone is scared, in awe and confused, the human race is threatened. We are now endangered species! We all need our faith in God and absolute personal care to survive the times. No one is safe out there; everyone is a suspect as the virus doesn’t show on the face.

An invisible battle called Novel Corona Virus aka COvid-19 is rampaging and ravaging our beautiful world, altering our existence. Now is the time to build regardless…No better time to build and rebuild than now when you are in compulsory isolation.

You have always complained of time, now you have it in excess…
You have always envisaged a sabbatical for yourself, now you have it…
No time for family, just work, work and work. Family time abound, maximize it…
You really wished you add to your skill set, no better time…
See, if you are not taking out time to learn a new skill, I sorry for you—you are a goner!
This time is the best for personal development, growth and influence. You may not have all the free time to yourself again in a long time…

If you care to know, the world will never remain the same. Everything has changed; the way we live, work, and relate. Post Covid is here already, don’t be caught unaware. New ways of living, new ways of doing things and doing businesses. Sadly, some businesses are dead already, new ventures are emerging. New enterprises, new job opportunities are unfolding. We are in a new world. Old world has passed away. Even creativity, innovation, excellence, professionalism and mettle now have a new language—learn it!

Many will still remain poor or poorer. Some will be sincerely broke, stranded, frustrated, and suicidal in these post Covid era. Others will be overwhelmed, seeing how life has changed in their own eyes. You cannot afford to have a victim mentality.

Thought revolution, toughness, grit and gut, die-hard determination, dedication, motivation, new and refined skills, tech savviness, digitalization, negotiation, marketing and sales, networking, collaborative partnerships are the new ways to survive as an entity these times. Competition and excellence will be the only reason we will thrive in business. Are you ready?

Regrettably, it won’t be how good you are again. It is now how you can market and brand yourself to compete on the global market. Globalization is the new world order. Borderlessness is the new word to describe the globe. Tech is the new oil. Your skill (what you can do well) and competence (what you can do well consistently) is your new sustainer. Sorry for you if you offer no value at your workplace. Many will be displaced in the labour market as a result of the effect of Covid-19!

Some religious organizations are already losing balance. “Our religious gatherings must be reopened, less our members lose faith in us and our fate of survival goes slimmer”. You cannot afford to be comfortable with one source of income again, less you scream for help when the source dries up! This is the time to engage ALL your faculty to earn a living and live the life your individuality deserves; you may need to lower your cost of living to moderate your standard of living! You cannot afford to be “priding” yourself in the face of grueling economic challenges when all you need is a cry for help!

As our borders and business will be reopen in the coming weeks, endeavors to stay safe and practice social distancing and personal hygiene. Also, obey every directives of the health authorities. Don’t be too enthusiastic saying it cannot happen to me and become a carrier and distribution of the deadly virus. The goal is the flatten the curve and stop the spread of the virus so that our world can return to normalcy where we can huge, kiss and shake one another.

Together, we will survive this pandemic.



© @exponent_sam
Creative Director at Advanatageplus Concept
Photographer at Exponent Media


  1. Creative and inspirational writing. Keep it up

  2. Good information. This should be sent out to as many as possible.


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