So its my ‪#‎thoughtthursday‬ today. And today I thought on what to share, then the idea of anger, provoking what we speak came to mind.

First, I must establish that whenever we get angry or provoked, let's refrain from speaking. Just wait, process your thought and consider 'Do I really need to be upset?', 'Is my mode supposed to be tied to what people do or say to me?' Learn to delay response or better remain silence (but don't bottle up).

If only we can pause to consider before getting angry, there won't be need to be angry in the first place. Anger is a word short of danger, it resides in the bosom of fools!

Be patient with people, no one will be like you. Be slow to speak and be swift to hear. That is why God gave us two ears and one mouth. Learn to interpret information you receive before you launch your act. Let your words elevate and not denigrate!

If only we can put ourselves in the other person's shoe before condemning them, be patient and hear people out (everyone including paupers, lunatics, fools, children and the aged want to be heard) this world would be a better place!

Swords can injure people causing them to be physically wounded. But spoken words out of carelessness and uncontrolled anger has over the years cause more emotional wounds leading to bitterness, and bitterness to depression and depression to suicide!

Many have been killed by spoken words and healed by same. (Read my blog-post: W.W.W.-Word Works Wonders on my blogsite www.mrexponent.blogspot.com just used the search button on the blog)Words, indeed, are potent and powerful!

Please make it a goal today to heal people with your words instead of killing them with same.

'Do you know that every form of sin (anger or pride for starters) is a revelation of the flesh, it's to satisfy the flesh and starve the spirit?'
--Exponent Samuel Adu, Ghost Writer

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