If the children of Israel were Nigerians!

So while cruising on my Facebook wall, checking people's wall and  reading through different updates, I stumbled on this hilarious post that I think worth sharing for the outburst of laughter it might bring to your face as you en route on a splendid and fun-fill weekend!

If the children of Israel were Nigerians!

While crossing the red sea, they would have wasted the whole day in the middle of the sea taking pictures and 'authentic selfies' and uploading on Facebook and twitter with comments like:--
1)- Chilling with Moses
2)- Miracle things on point. U go fear
3)- Crossing mode activated
4)- Cruising in the red sea
5)- Pharaoh no fit catch us, na God side we dey
6)- Omo see fish flexing
7)- Fish for sale, ping for delivery
8)- Flexing with uncle Aaron
9)- Swimming mode activated
10)- Me and my le boo on fish hunting.
If u were one of them what will be your comment...


Note: Due to popular demand. I'll be starting my "I NEED TO KNOW" SERIES on my blog...Each episode promises to add to you knowledge base facts and statistics you probably don't know or think it's a lie. 

Not only that, I'll also be kick-starting my ESOT (EXPONENTial School Of Thought) series alongside. My ESOT series are my original writings as inspired by my wellspring of thought. You can call them "Exponent's Quotes" if you like. Each quotes will sure inspire you and also teach you some hard life lessons if only you will imbibe them.

I remain M.E. (Mr. Exponent)
Primus inter pares...first amongst equals


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