W.W.W. - Words Work Wonders!


No doubt it existence before the existence of the world
In the very beginning was the word…
The world we live in was framed by spoken words
And God said, “Let there be…and there was….”
And Jesus said, “The words that I speak to you they are spirit and life”

The earth and its inhabitant may fade away
But the spoken words till eternity will stay
Although look simple and cheap but yet powerful
It has weight and occupies space like matter
To kill and to heal it has the potential
The greatest wounds may not be from swords
Like the Chinese proverb, but from spoken words
Our words can make peace and can cause men to war
It can move the highest mountains or simply create it
It can cause a smile or make sober
It can make or mar
We can use it to create opportunities or cause condemnation
It can draw people closer to use or repel them
Its effect can lead to suicide or give hope to the hopeless
Hidden in spoken words lies the power of life and death
Words is not costly but the cost of spoken words
Words determine our integrity (worth) or stupidity (worst)

You are what you speak!
What sayeth thou? How do you communicate?
Are your words full of wisdom or doom?
We praise with words and we disgrace with same
With words we fall and raise to fame
We evolve by the words we hear
We became better or bitter by what we assimilate

Truly, words work wonders!
Now you know….watch your words!

--Exponent Samuel Adu
Speakertive. Visual Communicator. Ghost Writer. Brand Innovation Consultant
+234 808 297 0635, 32FD0FBB


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