Of Short Run Analysis and Lord Maynard Keynes.

In Macro Economics-a house built by Keynes, there are so many analysis, theories, models and principles propounded by different authors at different dispensation. But looking at Lord Maynard Keynes, the author of 'The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money', something amazes me about most of his analysis and models he adopted to proffer panacea to economics issues.

You will observe that, despite is numerous critics, his principles are always 'In the short run...and full of assumptions-assuming price is fixed or constant in the short run, assuming the economy is stable in the short run, assuming unemployment, inflation, demand, supply, interest rate and other variables are this and that...in the short run'
In the words of Keynes, 'In the long run, we are all dead!', hence, his short run analysis...
This got me thinking. Life, our experiences, assumptions or axioms, successes and failures are but in the short run. Assuming we fail today, we can be successful tomorrow, ceteris paribus, all things been equal, owing to our focus, doggedness, strongwill, enthusiasm. Riches and ashes are in our niches! Q.E.D.
Whatever your challenges today shall come to pass, its but in the short run analysis. God has a plan for you in the long run. Your challenges are like a null or alternative hypothesis, you can either reject or accept them. You are the exponent, postulator of your penury or prosperity.

Decide today what you want. Decisions alternate destiny. Do you want to accept defeat as final in the short run? Or you want to retreat and fight for what rightfully belongs to you? Life is neither play nor fun fair! Life is serious exchange and warfare! You are in a fight and you have to keep fighting to keep winning.
Life, as is were, will not give you what you desire but what you demand and negotiate. The street is militery, you can't afford to be a bloody civilian! Braze up yourself, raise your game, keep your head straight and be focused, look up to the heavens, have a strong believe in yourself.
Just like in football, there is always a second half. What you are experiencing now is your first half experience. The game is not over yet. Don't give up in the shortrun. On like, Keynes in his theory that in the long run, we are all dead. No, you won't die! You are born original, why die a copy!? In the long run, you shall come out victorious, your gruesome experience, gory shall turn to glory. Your pain shall to to gain, shame to fame, doom to boom, sigh to signs, double for your troubles... (please fill in the gap)
I gotta stop here...to be continued with the title 'F.I.G.H.T.' Watchout!
I believe in you!
Exponent Samuel Adu
I care, really.
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