EXPONENTial School Of Thought (ESOT): Of Time And Essence

In the long run, we'll probably all be dead or be raptured to face the judgement, we'll be too old for fun, we'll be fast-decending to the second stage of childishness, we won't be able to run again, fragility would have set in, we will all have regrets regardless, family will be king, life will be meaningless, only what we've done will be remembered...Do the things you can do while in the short run!

Nothing is permitted to come to stay, all things including human precepts and innovations shall come to pass. Theories, models, principles and practices, prophetic declarations, nuggetum and great quotes, philosophical sagacity and wise assertions will be faulted!

There is always a-one day or some day for somebody and that day could be today. There is only one thing that cannot change, ceteris paribus, all other things being equal, change is a constant(k)!
What will be will always be. But then how do you want it to be? We are all products of our choices, the architect of our own destinies, the custodian of our own reputation capital be it wisdom or nuisance value!

What you know today may be so irrelevant tomorrow. You've gotta upgrade. Knowledge should be a continuous tense-'knowing'. To be in the flow, you have to keep flowing or be floating in the know-keep knowing lest you extinct. Come on, step up your game!

There is no such thing as a future. No one greet like this: 'Good future!'. Most people say: ' Good morning!', 'Good afternoon!', or 'Good night!'. This means that the future is now; you are already in your future. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is an opportunity for your mastery. Maximize today!

No time to waste time. Hmmm, can we really waste time? To me, I believe time in this sense is synonymous to opportunity or privilege. Once you waste opportunity, you waste time (intangible)/life. Time management principle is a myth- a struggle sustained by dogma and ignorance by most folks over time. Yes, no one can really manage time. Time is a constant-a fixed variable that cannot be changed. Both Fools and men of wisdom has 24hours at their disposal. It is the judicious use of time and not necessarily the management of time that makes all the difference. Time cannot be managed. I mean, how can one manage what is intangible? How?!

At age 100, we will still have the same time- 24hours. What we won't have is the same required level of energy to engage in serious exchange. Thus, 'energy management' should be used in lieu of 'time management'. Or better still, u say 'time use' or 'time maximization'.

Now, energy, and not time, can be managed; you can choose to waste, invest or just exhaust your energy has you like on something meaningful or otherwise. But remember, energy has a life span and the synonyms of old age in this case will be 'fading energy'.

Friends, the maximal use of our time is what guarantee our mastery over time. What do you do with your time? Where do you channel your energies? Time is infinite. Time is ticking. You have all the time, maximize it!

Now that you know...
To be continued.
I'm Exponent
Primus inter pares...first amongst equals


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