So on Monday 14th of November, 2016, the Worship His Majesty (WHM) week-long conference began in grand style. WHM conference is an annual festival of praise, varieties, worship, warmth, word and thanksgiving service at the Fountain of Life Church, Ilupeju, that features the best worshippers in church and some invited gospel artistes.

This year’s edition is a special one at that. The opening ceremony of the WHM began with a musical production by the celebrated Choir—Grace Levites, featuring the talented gospel rapper, actor, preacher and youth Pastor Jimmy Odukoya, popularly known as Pastor J who happened to double as the MC for the day.

Following the excellence delivery of praise and worship by Arinze, the talented and skillful Grace Levite and the Grace Band mounted the stage with power, energy, enthusiasm and attitude (swag) with Pastor J as the chief choir master. What a beautiful combo! Even the Host of Heaven was blessed!

Beyond entertainment and amusement, apart from thrilling the audience with their electrifying vocals, besides delivering beautiful renditions and sweet melodies as it were there custom, the Grace Levites ministered the Story of the Wonderful Jesus in an unusual, dramatic and musical bravura! The music plus the story as illustrated by Pastor J portrayed the wonderful story of Jesus how he went about doing good and healing every one oppressed by the devil, from the story of the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years and her encounter with Jesus, to the story of the Samaritan Woman and Jesus at the well of Samaria, to the man at the pool of Bathsheba afflicted with infirmities for thirty Eight years and how Jesus healed him, to the story of how Jesus healed the blind bartimaeus who was blind from birth, to how Jesus saved the woman cut in the act of adultery from being stone to death, to the story of the woman with the Alabaster Box and to the story of the Priest whose unusual faith in the authority of Jesus made his servant whole!

This is what the presiding pastor, Pastor Taiwo Odukoya has to say:

“The arrangement, the packaging, the presentation, the performance is excellent. The Grace Levite didn’t just perform tonight; they ministered by the help of the Holy Spirit. This choir is good. Honestly, anywhere in the world this is awarding-winning, this is world class!”

Speaking on the essence of thanksgiving, using the story of the 10 lepers in Luke 17:11-19, Pastor Taiwo established that the reason why we’ve all gathered this week is just to say thank you Jesus. “It takes the living to worry about food and what to wear. It takes a person that has a body—healthy body—to wear the cloths in the first place” he said. He added that, being grateful to God first of all has to do with how grateful you are for who He has made you. This is wisdom (Eph. 3:10). “If you are not grateful of who (m) you are, you will end up comparing and competing with others. And a comparing and competing person cannot be grateful or thankful to God. In spite of the challenges around you, when you think life can no longer help your situation, turn to Him. And it will be finished!” he said.

In conclusion, Pastor Taiwo admonished the congregation to use this week to personally submit all doxologies to God alone and let Him be praised. “God inhabits the praises of His people. So our personal thanksgiving is important to Him. But when we gather our personal thanksgivings it becomes corporate thanksgiving” he said.

The conference continue throughout this week. Don't miss out!
It's the week of thanksgiving.

For more updates on the on-going WHM conference, or other outreaches of The Fountain of  Life Church:

Photo Credit: Photography Unit, Publications Dept., TFOLC.

The report is written By Samuel Adu, a reporter at the Foutain of Life Church, Ilupeju, Lagos.

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