I NEED TO KNOW…Episode 2

So today, we will continue with the Episode 2 of our I NEED TO KNOW series. If you miss part one and will like to read it, use the search button on this blog and type “I NEED TO KNOW…Episode 1”. It will pop up. There you have it. Alright, enjoy episode 2 below; A thousand disappointments in the past cannot equal the power of one positive action right now. Go ahead and go for it. Sometimes you have to go through the worst in order to get to the best. Bill Gates told his university professors that he'd be a millionaire by the age of 30 - He became a billionaire by the age of 31. How old are you now? And what is your dream? You will never be happy if you continue to hold on to the things that make you sad. Bitterness keeps your heart bitter. Don't add ice to your tea - use frozen fruit instead! It won't dilute the tea, and it adds a nice subtle flavor. Humans are the only creatures on earth that will cut down trees, make paper and then write "SAVE TREE...