Starting a business? What you need to know.

These three simple things should guide you when starting a business:
1. Know your products or services better than anyone.

Have you ever entered a molue bus before? You see those Marketers that sell all sorts of products, they are well informed about what they are selling. In fact, over sabi aka ITK dey worry them. It's like reading from a script, they have the right words for very products they are marketing. With some comic relief infused into their presentation, you are forced to listen to them and believe all what they are saying even though some of them may be marketing fake products. If care is not taken, you'll buy form them.

Long story cut short. Be like these markers. Know everything about your products and services. Be convincing and not confusing in your presentation. Let your leads and prospect believe you enough to part with their money just to patronize you. 

2. Know who your customers are and target them.

Everybody cannot be your customer. I repeat, you are not called to service everybody. Know one does. As social media is the in thing now, with most people catching cruise online, some people will never embrace the idea of being online or on any social media. And get, they are living finer than you. Choi, e shock you! 

See eh, your products cannot be appealing to everybody. It is your duty to find your customers online or offline, market them until they buy. You have to be emotional when it comes to selling, if you ever want to make profit. Ask Coca Cola, they sell happiness not the sugery contains in a bottle. Market what the customers need, not what you feel they want. Know the difference!

What is the demography and psychography of your target customers? What is there level of income, sex, age range, and taste? Where are they located? What is there persona architecture? Know these, and make profit. How simple?

3. Have a burning desire to succeed.
This is not trying to sound like a motivational speaker. I am not the type that will tell you that I started my multimillion naira poutry business with a feather. Come off it! Scammer!

But I can tell you to aspire to acquire the desire that you admire. However, if in the process you perspire, don't retire but refire to acquire that desire that you admire.

Away from motivational talks.

In business, you will need plenty doses if desire to succeed in your venture. The story of any achiever is one of desire--a burning desire to succeed. It is desire that empowers you to meet the challenges of life and business. It is what compels you to fulfill a purpose larger than yourself. Desire is like a grip that engulfs people with an insatiable appetite for action.

I read somewhere online that in the invention industry, desire is what sparks the fire, it is what helps a person persevere despite the ups and downs of the process of building a business from ground up.

This desire that I could write a book on, is fueled and inspired by your why? It keeps the ideator excited and willing to forge ahead with their dreams and aspirations.

The question is, do you have the desire to succeed in that business of yours?

Ok, bye.



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