Hang in there

HANG IN THERE...Break Those Limits, Push Beyond Boundaries, Fulfil Destiny!

Hang in there. Sometimes all you might need to the realization of that which you've been waiting for is a little more stamina. Be steadfast, be strong, push beyond those limitations. 

It might take you a little longer than the others. You might have to work harder than the others. But others' victory won't
taste half as sweet as yours. And good news, you are breaking those limits.

Real victory is achieved when real obstacles are overcome.

Without adversity, without challenges, without opposition...there's no victory.

Challenges and limitations can be eye opener in disguise, but surmounting them is a sure banker if you hang on and push further. 

"Sometimes the success you look for can be found by overcoming the obstacles that you want to run away from." ~Andres Lara

Samuel Adu


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