
Laying on my water bed (in my wildest dreams. Lol) the other night
Awaiting to switch to the temporary "world of form"
At least, to enjoy my sweet sleep
Oh, sweet sleep! Take me into your arms!
I realize I couldn't be engulfed by mister sleep
Though my eyes were heavy, my mind also...
I was disturbed and perplexed, reminiscing on my journey through this jungle called life
I was deeply in deep and random thoughts;
Thoughts of how my life has evolved and my destiny re-written
Thoughts of how I've switched careers and still switching-
From aviation to economics education cum IT, digital business, branding and public speaking!
Thoughts of how providence and mercy have saved me
Thoughts of how everything has played out to be
Thoughts of the disappointments and betrayals from unexpected quarters
Thoughts of my mistakes, naivety, primitivity, foolishness and nuisance value
Thoughts of the many challenges I faced on daily basis and the new discoveries
Thoughts of how my strength, prowess and intellectual profundity has failed me overtime
Thoughts of my background as it relates to where I am coming from
And where God is still taking me to that I really never know
Thoughts of my kits and kin and how keen they are to me
Thoughts of where my next income will come from
Thoughts of how my next meal will come or not
Thoughts of how pain, frustration and hopelessness sometimes make me cry
Thoughts of how hunger and anguish have made me discover new talents and skills
Thoughts of the emotional and physical scars and the memories they bring
Thoughts of the broken promises, heartbreaks and the jilt
Thoughts of my journey in life as a serial die-hard never-give-up entrepreneur
Thoughts of the mystery and hidden facts about my name, nickname, date and place of birth
How they sometimes overwhelmed me and swing my mode
How truly I've been through a lot in my little life
How truly I've sailed through against all odds
How it has not been easy journeying through this space called life
How my path through life has been undoubtedly rough and steady
Relying on God's never-failing-promises alone, oh sigh...

And against the above background
I always find succor and confidence in God's #word
I may not be where I suppose to be as I foresaw
I am grateful to God I'm not where I used to be
My ministry has moved and still moving like #imaginationmovers
I am thankful to Baba God for this precious gift of breath
Many are lifeless and their memories forgotten;
Hopelessness and cluelessness have made some even took their own life determinedly
I am thankful for my past experiences, my present realities and my future unbeknown
I am particularly grateful for the people God has brought into my life;
My families, friends, admirers and necessary adversaries...and my dear you reading this
I am grateful to God that all of #me is witnessing this day in sound health and vitality
I looked back and I realize I have become better than my best
I have increased in leaps and bound
I have broaden my horizon and even grow in maturity
The little #me is fast becoming a man of significance and a dependable patriot
I am becoming a force to reckon with....

Yes, I am and remain your Exponent!
Primus inter pares...first amongst equals
Happy birthday to #me
Ad Multos Annos
Connect with #me:
Watsapp: +234 808 297 0635
Mobile: +234 806 208 2575, +234 817 905 3652, +234 815 984 5151


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