March: My Month of Supernatural Harvest

What more can i say?
It's #supernaturalharvest all the way
Little work, work, much more play
Abundance of blessings (@pastortaiwo's voice) everyday
Come what may
I was born in this month simply to slay
The doors are opened and no man can shut it, nay,
For my sake, the enemies are kept at bay
My God has paved the way
Even when and where men says there is no way

This month, my birthday month, I shall slay like the super-duper slayer!
I shall celebrate until mortals call me celeb!
Whatever I lay my hand upon shall proper, whatever!
Hmmm, I pray for open doors and now the doors are wide open ajar that the blessings are overflowing!
There is now need for expansion and networking cause the nets are breaking!
The harvest so long awaited for has finally come and now there is no more room to contain it!
God is awesome, supreme and indeed incomprehensible!

I welcome y'all to the legendary month of March. Because I'm a living legend!

Match gallantly and gallivant because the doors are opened and the harvest is plenteous!

It's #me Mr. Exponent
Primus inter pares...first amongst equals
#supernaturalharvest #opendoor #blessing#testimony #reward


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