#happyindependenceday Nigeria @56!

#happyindependenceday Nigeria @56!

We may not be where we ought to be as a Nation, but certainly we are not where we used to be!


It depends on how you see it, God has been faithful in this country o. Despite our diverse challenges, ethnic diversity, political quagmire, societal disequilibrium, social imbalance, imbecile, visionless, purposeless, selfish, deceitful, corrupt leaders and clueless, unambitious, lazy, crassly ignorant youth en masse in our ecosystem, and now the recession we en mesh ourselves into etal, Nigeria is still standing. And the future is never bleak!

I believe in the future of Nigeria. The "change" might have chained, oh, sorry, changed all us, yet, we are not put to shame!

The speculations by some "political idiots" that Nigeria would break as been faltered because right now we are still standing. We are ONE NIGERIA! We are still NIGERIANS!!!

I don't know about you, I believe in the future of this great country. And I will see the Nigeria of my dream in my lifetime!

Let's celebrate in spite of...
Come on, we have every damn reasons to celebrate especially as an individual and family unit of the society...

Happy INDEPENDENCE day Nigeria!
God bless Nigeria!
God bless our leaders with wisdom and the fear of God!
God bless our youth with innovations for witty inventions, and entrepreneurial Spirit!
God bless you for reading this!

#celebrate #independence #independenceday #october1st #2016 #nigeria #nigeria@56 #greatcountry #greatpeople #greatnation #youthandgovernment #vision #change #leadership #excellence #ourfuture #ourfutureisbright☀️

I'm your Exponent☺😊😀
Primus inter pares...first amongst equals


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