My word for you this WEEK

If you are convinced that God's backing is on it, yes, if you are sure that it's God that is leading you and not your emotions, don't back off! Don't be intimidated by what others are telling you or the prevailing circumstances notwithstanding.

Stay at it. 
Don't give up.
Don't be deceived. 
Activate your faith.
 Keep your hopes alive.
Keep your enthusiasm intact. 
Be confident. 
Stay calm. 
He will come through for you. 
Yes, He doesn't fail His own.

Remember, God will not place a demand where He has not invested. You are His investment. *smile* His vision for your life already come with the necessary provision. Just connect and stay glued to His WORD. His Word is ye and amen. 
Trust Him.

Have a BLAST week!
Follow me on Twitter/IG: @exponent_Sam


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