My session was precise, sharp and straight to the point. I tried to maximize the time given to me to inspire the youth on the need to be M.A.D - Make A Difference at all cost. Positive difference though😍

Using Psalm 90:12 as a scriptural reference that states "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts♥ info wisdom", I reminded the youth that if they refuse to number their days through strategic planning, organization, proper goal setting, setting priorities etal, then their days will be numbered!

I encouraged them to start living each day as though it is their last. Why is this so? Not because of the fear of the event of death or eternity alone but because the assumption that you have 24HOURS TO LIVE OR FEW DAYS ON MORE TO LIVE, automatically put your life on autopilot!

That you know death is sure and each brand new day gravitates you to your grave;

- Helps you think😔 about your priorities
- Forces you to concentrate on the  most important things
- Forces you to make better choices
- Forces you to treasure each moment
- Helps you grab opportunities 
- Help you stop procrastinating and start reaching out to your dreams
- Help you live your life to the fullest
- Reminds you of how and where you will spend your eternity

Beyond the 24HOURS TO LIVE, I also explain what it takes to be M.A.D. viz;

- Not being scared to challenge the status quo
- Being willing to take a chance even when nobody is giving you the opportunity to try
- Making your own track
- Not doing what is popular but sticking to your calling
- Charting your own course and being the person God has made you to be

I added that most people are unhappy and frustrated today because they reject their own "youniquness" and try to be like the other person.

It takes courage & walking in love and being secured and not conforming to this world and living your purpose to make a mark in your generation!

I ended with Cecil Beaton's famour quote: "Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the common place, the slave of the ordinary."


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