This is my birthday freestyle. Enjoy!

I am a living thing, nay, a human being
Living with purpose—a genuine reason
I am a reading and writing thing
‘Cause I’m habituated to reading and researching
I’m a leading thing with the best teaming
This is why I’m always winning
I have life and am still breathing
Besides every other persons or things
Beside me is the Almighty
Enemies them no fit catch me!

I am blessed to be a blessing
Poverty can’t get hold of me because I am hard working, always networking
Listen; never compare me to any other being
I may not be a supernatural being
But I’m a spiritual being
Created by the almighty
Who hath made me unique among all the living
Believe me, I carry something Exo.4:2
Something special that cannot be found in any other place or surrounding
With my hands I’ll do great and mighty things

Like King Solomon, I have wisdom, knowledge and understanding
With God I can do all things
Through Christ that strengthens me Phi.4:13
This is not to say that I’m boosting
But to express the appreciation of my gifting
So, never again say am good-for-nothing
Don’t see me and start beefing
Don’t see me and start fronting
Don’t hear me and start criticizing
Don’t even condemn my starting….

Ok, this is not to say that am supercilious
Neither am I trying to sound ambiguous
It’s just that my style is glamorous
Research to me is not necessarily laborious
The process, of cause, may be strenuous
I remain indefatigably amorous
I may not be ‘there’ yet but my progress is ponderous
I’m aware life is risky and perilous
Little wonder some resolve to remain obsequious
I know my tomorrow is obviously glorious

The depth of my creativity is wondrous
I’m neither cut-rated nor scarce but am sumptuous
My ideas apparently are luxurious
My concepts are eccentrically hilarious
I am not lazy, I’m very assiduous
That’s why my advancement is acclivitous
Though I may not be very loquacious
Yet, I’m not garrulous
But extremely and unapologetically sagacious
It’s fundamentally obvious 
That I’m so oblivious
To observe that you are obnoxious…

Yap, my intellectual is meritorious
You may say am not religious
I may look precisely unserious
You may say am not very anxious, curious or zealous
But the fact is that I am bold and courageous
My level is pure and my ways are righteous
But if the situation looks precarious
I will still stay cautious
I will still be diligent and industrious
Come what may, I’ll remain ambitious

Mr. Exponent, that is #ME!
Primus inter pares…first amongst equals

Happy Birthday to #ME today.

Please wish me a happy birthday. 


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