Home Sweet Home!

Home sweet home
Welcome to my home
My home, my place of abode
Come visit me, come on board

My home is a safe haven and a place of peace
I relax with ease ‘cause the day’s strive has cease
Home for me is an abode of rest
No stress, no distress, I perform at best

There is no place like home
Oh, home away from home
A place far away from home like Rome
Is no analogous to my permanent sweet home

Like sunshade, my house is my shelter
Hiding beneath its roof protects me from outside danger and the cold stinky weather
I’m alive and blissful when am in my house
I swing my gully tail in awe like the Mickey Mouse

My ceiling fan blows to cool my temper
I unlock my cupboard and the aroma from the pot cools my temper
My bed looking inviting makes me spread my arms
Oh sweet sleep take me in your arm

I’m happier every dawn of the day
My gratitude doppelgängers when I realize I have a place to stay
Staying at home give me security
It preserves me against the ills in the society

Little wonder, I linger in my wonder
I marvel and in my heart I ponder
Houses line up upon the land
You see them on the sea, mountain top and even on sand

Like bunch of keys, houses spread upon the earth like trees
On the island and mainland houses are there
Submarine, underground, on rocks, hills and valleys houses are there
Houses are everywhere, in the moon people live there

It’s good to have our own accommodation
It assuages our exasperation
It makes us think straight without constraint
As though it’s a natural trait

The plight from looking for where to stay is enormous
Its struggles and challenges are obvious
As if one has no future plan
Every day’s quest comes with a lesson to learn

Little wonder, I couldn’t stop brooding over
Why people in frustration rent huts beside gutters
Some manage the boys’ quarters
The unfortunate few remain squatters

Ask the street boys and girls
They all have a story to tell;
From their horrible lifestyle under the bridge
To their incessant struggles and hustle on the street

From the little they earn to fend
Instead of invest, they retire to spend
Hmm, I’m glad I have a home to stay
Albeit the location and the size of my apartment all the way….

Dedicated to all those believing God for a place of abode to call their home

-- Exponent Samuel Adu
Primus inter pares...first amongst equals
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