In this life there are no new things. There is nothing absolutely new under the Sun. Everything you see around are products of recreation. What is invented can be reinvented, modified, upgraded, tweaked. Even if you are not creative, be innovative; if you can't just be original, pirate and tweak it-its allowed. Even the original was stolen from another original and this hitherto original was originated from the ORIGINAL-God.

I once remember in my earlier days as a graphics designer, I would work on a design for hours and sometimes for days trying to make it better. Sometimes, after cracking my brain, making sketches, generating concepts and designing layouts etal, I'd still be the first person to critic my work. It would seem to me its so hard a job to design ordinary flier (what if I had to work on a magazine with multiple pages?...).

As time went by and with constant practice and consistent staring at other beautiful designs, it done on me that I could actually create beautiful concepts from just staring and copying other people's designs. In the bid to stare up my creativity, I would stare at designs that look like what am trying to create and from thence I'd create a brand new concept entirely without any trace to the ones I saw. That to me is innovation, not stealing.

It's that simply. What you want to do, someone else has done it before. Why trying to invent the wheel when you can simply reinvent it? Just find away around it to make it better and you are good to go! That all!

With God and google by your side, nothing whatsoever should be difficult for you to do. Ok, if google disappoint you, I'm sure God won't. He owns everything, including you and google combined!

"Every creative persons possess a photographic memory"
--Exponent Samuel Adu (2015)

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