The below piece you are about to read was written in less than 20 minute by a robust thinknologist like M.E.! As the thoughts were flying into my medulla oblongata, in a rush, like the early morning bird, distracting my focus and disturbing my serenity, I quickly capture and decide to put down in few sentence. If you were like me, as you think it, take time out to ink it, someday, somewhere, somehow, somebody out there will need it!


By Exponent Samuel Adu

Everyone, rich or poor, old or young, while or black, male or female, want breakthrough all-year-round, all-over. Breakthrough in business, in relationships, career, in health, the list is endless. Me too, I want all-round breakthrough in my life. And I'm sure you do too. But then how will it come? Where  will this next breakthrough come from?

Will it be from luck? A sudden great idea? A jackpot? Support from kit or kin? An improved relationship? A mentor or coach? Academic success? Career exploit? A fat salary or income? Where?...

In my little research over the years past, I've found that real breakthroughs - the ones that alter the process and LAST - can only come from a major shift in MINDSET! Oh my, the mind is indeed a miracle!

Author Brendon Burchard once wrote: "No matter how successful you already are, reaching the NEXT level is all about developing a more motivated, visionary, confident, loving, and resilient mindset. Nothing advances in our lives until we advance how we think". I concur whole-heartedly.

The truth is, reaching new levels of achievement, cultivating new success habits, sustaining lasting relationships, is never a bye-product of luck but mastery of your mindset. The mind is our seat of reasoning, our CBN (Central Bank of 'Nowledge), the controller of our destiny, the bedrock of all achievements, the hallmark of personal growth of development.

Like Steven Pinker wrote in his classic, How the Mind Works, "The mind is a neural computer...and thinking is computation". If then the mind is refers to as an idiot machine-computer-that only process that which was imputed into it in the first place (GIGO-Garbage In, Garbage Out), then I'm of the opinion that your input determines your output. That is why you have to guard your heart for out of it are the issues of life!

The judicious and productive usage of your elastic commodity- your mind; the informations you process, the realities you interpret, your perspective to life issues generally, are tiny pointers to your advancement or liquidation!

"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he" --Bible (Proverbs 23:7)

You are what you think and thus the outcome of your life is predicated upon your predominant thought. You can think and grow rich, you can also think and still remain a proper pauper! Your thinking made you who you are today.

Dear reader, I challenge you today to think advancement in all aspect. That you are rich today or win a jackpot or inherit the wealth of your parents/family does not mean you can't end up poor tomorrow. It is mindset that resets our life. It's the mastery of the mind that guarantees your mastery in life! Mastermind please!

Haven't you hard that a fool and his money is one big party? That wealth without a wealthy mentality is wealth soon gone? And money at hand without financial literacy is money soon squandered? Need I say more?

Lasting breakthroughts requires a magical thinking- think positivity and advancement in spite of... These Scriptural statements: "Occupy till I come", "Be fruitful and multiply, subdue the earth, have dominion...", suggest the judicious and productive usage of your intangible asset-your mindset!

Multiplication, sustainability, abundance, finished goods, refined products are function of a workaholic, fertile, restless, and productive mind. When your mind is working, then you are working, you are a genius!

Use your brain to command gains. Stop this your wishy-washy attitude, it will lead you nowhere. Put a halt to complaining. The more you complain, the less you obtain, the more you explain your pain to no gain. Stop being dependent, nay, a liability.

It's time to activated your most priced (yet unused, disused, misused and underused) possession-you mindset!

It's time for your year of 'magical' thinking and breakthroughs. GO NOW!

This is the LESSON I learnt from writing this piece: First, I did not plan to write. Second, I was not in the mode. I just wanted to relax.

I always like to prepare my mind before writing. But then, I realise that somethings we don't need to be prepared to deliver at optimal level. All we need is the inspiration, the motivation and the drive to start. Other variable can catch up later. I could have ignored the ideas as they were coming, but I said to myself: "What if I now which to write but the same ideas didn't come?".

That is the way life is; once opportunity is lost, it cannot be regained, it's lost forever- you won't get same again. So, my friend, whenever you feel the urge to do something that you feel worth doing at all, don't ignore. Give it a second thought. Always bring your imagination to life especially if you are a Creative Artist and/or Writer like me.

Remember, the shortest pen is longer than the longest memory. And that which is not started cannot be completed. So start now, finish later.

It M.E.
Mr. Exponent
Primus inter pares...first amongst equals
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