In my solitude, as I study the on-goings in my community
The recent display of “nuisance” amongst our political aspirants in the name of polity
The contest for power at all cost and the threat for mutinying and rioting
The campaign “against and for” among political parties
The threat for war, importation of ammunitions for the sake of electioneering…
All of these and many more got me pondered about solidarity
A critical case study of my dear country

A nation in the quest to gain unity in the midst of ethnic diversity
A country so blessed with abundance of minerals and natural resources but yet her people live in abject poverty
A State where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, what a catastrophe!
Each and every day the state of affairs in this nation arouse my curiosity
We complain of corruption, but what is the function of EFCC?
What will it cost INEC to evenly distribute without prejudices the PVC?
Up till now am yet to collect my PVC

I keep asking myself; when will I see my dreams come to reality?
Ha, time is ticking and I can’t take it any funny
Hmm, will I have to wait till am 70? God forbid bad thing!
Does unity even exist in our dear country?
Cause all I see around is inequality, disparity, dissimilarity, bigotry, god-fatherism, discrepancy, and even inconsistency
It’s seems to me that everyone is playing the dirty game called “politics”
I mean, between sincerity and responsibility
Icontinue to ask myself, what is the commonality?
Does individuality, the display of veto power, egocentricity have any impact on our community?
Why does some suffer much indignity in our society?
While some few others enjoy so much liberty and prosperity
Some are so poor all they have is a lot of money
Is this not an omen of partiality? 
Why does some speak in favour of the thenremoval of fuel subsidy?
Does it really exist or is it just another political sagacity to deceive the citizenry?
Well, well, my conclusions are not in conformity whatsoever to conventionality

I believe, for us to move forward and not backward in this country
We must know that leadership excellence has nothing to do with personality or political party
Neither our background nor our environment notwithstanding should justify this
But our inherent passion, motivation and abilities…
Whether we accept it or not, our difference and not similarities will always define our originality

Ok, to be factual beyond the aprons of sincerity
I submit: for progress to continue in this country
We need personal plus corporate social responsibility
Like our corporate fight against Ebola Virus, we need the same spirit of undying unity
If we ever desire to achieve economic stability
We need the people and the government’s shared accountability
To combat these societal indignities
Now approximating high rate of corruption, bribery, nepotism, bureaucracy, economic decadence and mediocrity
The maladies that so afflict our dear country
Without our corporate moves we won’t advance in our economic statistics
Rather, the majority in our communities will only end up great liabilities
Yes! Many would become casualties and victims of protest and rioting
And in the long run, it will affect our output and GDP
Reducing drastically our currency and productivity
(The issue of N5,000 notes by the then CBN is a case study)
An economic situation already in a state of shameful hilarity!
A people in the continual struggle to gain serenity
A state with no fundamental human right and liberty
A community inflicted with poverty and infrastructural paucity
A society twelve-monthly producing mass mediocrity;
Graduates with no ability for creativity
It even worse: unemployment scenarios and “unemployabilility” quandary!
People of no form of alacrity
Leaders with no prospect for posterity
What an irony- a land full of plenty!
What a pity to be pitied!

The truth is, it goes beyond getting PVCs and voting
All we need in this country
Are Leaders who can foresee and discern opportunities
Leaders driven by purpose, vision and integrity who will not just emerge on the basis of consensus by the majority
Leaders who will practice what they preach and preach what they practice
Leaders who will see the people’s need and be committed to filling it
Leaders who can liberate us from the shackles of poverty
Leaders who will provide maximum security
(I’m just tired of these bombings)
Leaders who will formulate good economic policies
Leaders who will not inflict calamity on the citizenry
Leaders who will not spend public funds on themselves but on the majority who through their votes put them in authority
Leaders who for the sake of getting into power will not go all-round telling true lies with claims of honesty
Leaders whose trust to the people is not a fallacy but a fantastic reality
Leaders whose actions and expressions are not in contrary
Leaders with proofs of enviable and unbeatable integrity
Leaders with enthusiasms and exceptional qualities
Leaders who fears and honors the Almighty...

I dream of a new Nigeria whose officials are not just politicians but true and heroic leaders, I see a nation—Nigeria whose respect for people is based on merit and not just by net worth or connection, an African state free from the manacles of poverty, ignorance, corruption, selfishness, bribery and nepotism
I dream of a state where the universal principles of democracy, as it were, is truly practiced not just on a platform of constitutional content

Like the American dream of Martin Luther King Jnr., I see a future Nigerians that will not just think of what Nigeria can do for them but rather what they can do as a sign of contributing their quota for the upward mobility of the Nigerian state.I foresee a people with the courage and tenacity to fight for what is right and the transformation they so desire, a people that rather than complaining and explaining their pain to no gain, will take full responsibility for their nation, defend and live the constitution to drive home the change we all desire, and of course, have the freedom to live their dreams to the fullest. And like someone said and I quote, “I see a New Nigeria where true justice will be meted out to all who have hitherto stolen the wealth of the nation to serve as a deference to the next generation in whose hand lie the desirable future we may ever dream of”

Beyond all of these maladiesin our ecosystem, we also need people (esp. the youth) of great intellectual property
People with unlimited honesty- I’m referring to men and women that are 100% trustworthy
Whose innovations and inventions are end products of creativity
People with great business ideas and entrepreneurship skills and abilities
People that will continually show love to neighbors in their respected communities
People that will respect and propagate the culture of our African Society
For God’s sake! We want a state with stable electricity!
We need good road network, revival in our agricultural sector, good educational system, functioning infrastructural/recreational facilities, standardized health care system, subsidized means of transportation, creation of more job opportunites…
We want an economy that is sound, stable, loving and supporting
We want a government that will not suddenly come up with unpopular polices….
Aba! What’s all these?

I still believe, regardless of our ethnic diversity
When we add all these goodies afore-listed above together they will form the unity we need (though still hidden) in our country,
Or like T.D Jakes puts it, “The binding agent of benevolence, the glue of generosity. You cannot have community without unity”

I think it’s high time we avoid ambiguity
And face clarity and specificity
All we need is love and unity for proper publicity
Am referring to publicity on how to improve our intellectual acuity
And most fundamentally maintain our spiritual stability and humility
As for me, I believe in a society with ideals of liberty and fraternity
Like the emancipators of education and opportunity
I believe in a nation with laws of equality
I see Nigeria as a State despite her ethnicity there still exist unity in diversity
I see the new Nigeria where citizens can walk freely without fear and insecurity
I see a courageous, die-hard people in the face of challenges of economic malady ready to assert their integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the status quo of corruption and mediocrity
Yes, the display of ‘evil” and bombing of everywhere by the boko haram sect will soon become a thing of history!

Ok, How about these bonuses?
Through the power of positive imagination
With desire comes decision
With decision comes discipline and determination
With expectation comes manifestation
With vision comes anticipation
With anticipation comes positive confession
With positive confession comes great possession
With motivation comes locomotion to our desired destination

As a nation, we need God’s divine intervention
So long as we don’t want to end up in frustration and destruction
We also need inspiration and determination
To chase away confusion resulting to financial liquidation
See, for the forwardness, growth and development of our nation
We all must engage in positive confession, declaration, proclamation and good communication
This among other things remains our obligation for our nation

A quick reminder: the good book calls us a royal priesthood, a chosen generation
A peculiar people of destiny and a holy nation…1st Peter 2:9
So let’s behave like that holy nation that has no element of corruption
A nation without “stagflation”, what economist called stagnancy and inflation
A nation ready for economic boom and exploit of resources for the benefits of her people without being affected by the global recession or what analyst term “world financial depression”
A nation with culture, norms and values excluding the perpetuation of female degradation
I’m referring to a nation free from the horrendous legalization of female castration
A nation that will not mimic westernization
To a point of importing lesbianism, homosexuality, bisexuality and bestiality into her constitution
A nation whose great visions and intuitions are the motivation behind her determination and desperation to attain the highest possible ranking of the world’s most peaceful, blissful, prosperous and advanced nations

I believe we can get to the place called T.O.P (The optimum Place) if we all are focused, enthusiastic and determined but exclusive of any ungodly form of manipulation or deception. But that our leaders through the fear of God should embark upon a proper wealth allocation and optimum income distribution scheme in favor of the rich, the middle class (that is if they still exist) and the poor….

This nuggetum remains my personal contribution to the change we deserve in our dear nation.Especially at such a time as this…

As I conclude, I see a great future in Nigeria. And the bright future of Nigeria is in our hands (we Nigerians) and not in the hands of foreigners. God will use Nigerians like you and I to better Nigeria. We are the ones that He will use for the reformation, revolution, evolution, re-evaluation, renovation, revitalization, reconstruction, regeneration, rehabilitation of this our great nation- Nigeria. 
Please let’s start setting the pace for posterity. May God help us all! Amen.

#PleaseVote #Don’tFight #StopVioloence

Aluta Continua, Victoria Ascenta!
God bless Nigeria!!!

Feel free to share
I am M.E. (Mister Exponent)
Primus inter pares…first amongst equals

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                  Adu Sammy


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