My Wish...

My Wish

Hey guys, it’s so cool to wake up to the reality of the fact that today marks yet another year in my life! Happy birth day to M.E.!

Ok, ok, on this special day of mine, I wanna share a piece I wrote some years ago. It’s about my ‘Wish List’, it’s obvious how we want so many things in life and wish to be this and that….

Anyways, this piece below is for your reading. Kindly read to the end…

The whole idea of this write-up came up as a result of my childhood desires to have or become too many things which eventually contributed to my confused state of existence at a time ‘t’ in my life. And I believe so many people are still in this gap. But then, If wishes were horses…Enjoy!

I wish am not born in a humble background, I won’t be this humble. I’d have live life luxuriously.

I wish I have enough access to money and other needed resources to accomplish my goals

I wish I have a car or an automobile to make my journey fun and faster (it’s on the way…)

I wish am a jack of all trades but then I’ll be a master of nonsense

I wish I never work for anyone, I just run my own successful business (thank God I now run my own company)

I wish I can find myself in Canada; it will make my life easier. Life is frustrating down here

I wish to have everything I want lacking nothing, I’ll eat what I like and order for anything I want

I wish I was born a girl child; it will reduce the demand of family responsibility and dependence

I wish am a young lady, unlike other girls I’ll keep my virginity till that night of my wedding

I wish am wealthy and rich, I’ll reach out more to the unreached in my community 

I wish I possess some form of witchcraft; I will fly without an aircraft

I wish am a scientist/an inventor, I’ll invent the first automobile machinery with no fueling and lubricant

I wish am an animal, I won’t be scared of eternity or the event of life after death

I wish am a super duper star or celebrity, I’ll feel on top of the world

I wish am Mr. Time, I’ll wait for people regardless of their procrastination

I wish am younger, I’d love to be a footballer
I wish am taller, I’ll pursue a professional carrier in basketball

I wish I can be forever young; life in adulthood is dreary and fragile

I wish I had all the time in the world to amend my wrongs and minimize my regrets

I wish am a policeman, I won’t collect bribe rather I’ll be the people’s friend

I wish am a politician, I won’t join them in playing the dirty game all in the name of politicking

I wish am Mr. President, I’ll formulate economic policies that will tackle the problem of unemployment, electricity, insecurity, bad roads, infrastructure, education, corruption, stagnancy and inflation amongst others

I wish am a business tycoon or an industrialist, I’d build more businesses to absorb more unemployed youths in the labour market

I wish am a landlord or an estate owner, my house or estate rent will be cheaper with no agreement and commission surcharges

I wish am a king, I’ll rule my people with wisdom,unbiasedness, dignity and honour

I wish am a motivational/public speaker, my words will inspire change in peoples’ lives

I wish am a pastor, I’ll preach kingdom principles with Biblical exposition

I wish am a leader of some sort, I’ll simply lead by example by practicing what I preach

I wish am the messiah, I’d love to lay down my life to save the world from eternal destruction

I wish am a community leader; I will provide the basic social amenities needed for the growth and the advancement of the community
I wish am a parent, I’ll mentor and coach my children the right way they should go with discipline and moral principles and practice

I wish am an artisan, I won’t exploit my customers and/or clients with dishonesty

I wish am a musician, I’ll sing inspirational and soul lifting songs

I wish am a prolific writer, I’ll write about purpose and the discovery of who we are and what God has called us to be

I wish am a teacher, I’ll go out of my way to teach my students life lessons and also replicate myself in them, this way I’ll be a part of their success story

I wish am a white man maybe I’ll be wiser. I do not know what is wrong with being black or is wisdom lacking or scare among the blacks?

I wish I got my first degree certificate on time immediately I graduated from the university, by now I’d probably be gainfully employed in an oil and gas firm without thinking of running a personal business or plan ‘B’


Human wants are numerous.

My wish is endless. Our wants are numerous. No doubt, human wants are insatiable. We keep wanting and wanting more. Like Pepsi, we aren’t satisfied with the state of our existence; we keep daring for more…
Thank God for the economic principles of choice making- the art of selecting among different alternatives, scarcity- the fact that some things will not be readily available as at the time we need them, hence shortage, opportunity cost and the alternative forgone. Some people at some point have one time or the other wish to be like God in all form; to be all-knowing, omnipotent, omniscience and omnipresence. They want to be the same yesterday, today and forever. That’s an infeasible region. You cannot be all you want to be, you can only be what God has called you to be or become nothing due to your ignorance and arrogance to nature.
Human being at best will still remain human, bound to make mistakes, fail and fail again, continue to be perfecting and never perfect, promise and fail due to their inability to control circumstance, unable to control time because they exist and are limited by time itself, and eventually rely on God has his last resort.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Many are hard wishers but not hard workers. A wish is an excuse in disguise. Wish without will is like hoping against hope, it’s like a mission with no destination. So let’s stop wishing and start working. Instead of wishing what you are not, start doing what you wish. Start from where you are with the available resources at your disposal. This way you will accomplish that which you wish.

The simplicity of life is not in our wishes but in what we exact our energies upon­­­—and that is where passion come to play. In fact, our wishes especially when it’s above our head make our life more complex, confusing and frustrating. This has lead to the life of the rat race, a life always in the quest to compete with the Jones and Joneses and also to surpass them like the relative income hypothesis theory propounded by James Duesenbury, an economist in his time.

In this context, wishes are like dreams and aspirations. But it suffix to state here that dream is not enough, we must dare, we must do. “Keep dreaming until your dreams come true”, that’s what motivational speakers thought us. Where is the place of action? If you dream too much hoping for a change, it will become a nightmare. Instead of getting somewhere and making a head way, you may realize you are just moving in circles, at about the same spot. Isn’t that frustrating?

It’s time to wake up from your slumber and learn from the ants, consider her ways and be wise. As little as they are they are fully awake to responsibility with little or no supervision. Apart from the fact that the ants are hard workers, they plan their seasons. Imagine, they provide their own meet in summer and gather their food in harvest. They don’t wait or wish for people to be telling them what to do at all times, the ants are simply good organizers with team spirit. 

Learn from the ants. Be awake to reality and start doing something that is in consonant with your dream or life-long wishes. You’ve stayed too long on this Mount Everest of wishing. Wish-washy objectives won’t get you anywhere; you will only be like the rocking chair at the barber’s shop moving round-about on the same spot. 

At times the things we wished for are not real, unchangeable, impractical, intangible or absolute nonsense. Hence, attaining them is practically impossible. For example;

I wish I was born a girl child; it will reduce the demand of family responsibility and dependence
I wish am an animal, I won’t be scared of eternity or the event of life after death
I wish am Mr. Time, I’ll wait for people regardless of their procrastination
I wish I can be forever young; life in adulthood is dreary and fragile, unexciting and boring
I wish am a white man maybe I’ll be wiser…

Regrettably, many a people keep wishing and hoping in the same direction like the example above till they eventually die. That’s suicide. To me, that’s being cruel to oneself! People like that when they get to heaven, they will here statements like “welcome my foolish and ignorant maybe somehow faithful servant…” You know…Lol

I’m not against the belief that your wishes can’t work or the principle of faith to that effect. Capital NO! I submit you work your wish, but only those wishes that will work! You’ve got to move from being an idealist to a realist or better still a pragmatist.

Duty Determines Destiny.

Duty determines destiny not dreams. You can dream of becoming great in life but first you must start small and that’s a duty—I call it responsibility. One of my role models, Olakunle Soriyan, thought revolutionist, leader and human capital consultant once said and I quote “sincerity is not a factor of production; responsibility is the name of the game”. As sincerity is to dreams, so is responsibility to duty in this context. If you are privileged to be youthful then you must be dutiful, that is a proof that you’re useful. Your responsibility is your ability to response (awake) to the issues or opportunities in your life. Until you are fully aware, you are going nowhere.

The knowledge of what to do and when to do it is what put you at the edge of your contemporaries. Your daily routine is to a larger extent a pointer to the details of the larger pictures of your tomorrow.

Dreamers rule the world! Fine. Accepted. But all dreamers in this context are doers. The likes of Nelson Mandela, Smith Wigglesworth, Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikwe, Mother Theresa, Abraham Lincoln, Michael Faraday, Albert Einstein, Galileo Galileo, Martin Luther King Jnr, Mahatma Gandhi, Babatunde Raji Fashola SAN, and a host of others are not just dreamers. They are doers, people whose contribution to a cause cannot be overemphasized; people who alter the cause of human existence, people who are ready to die for what they believe, people who believe in change and are ready to effect it… and now their names are engraved in the sands of time. They are world changers, they are record breakers, they are trail blazers, and these are dreamers in the real sense of it.

Legacy is not in your dreams.

Your legacy is not in your dreams but in what you have done. It is in your contribution to either or not the orderliness, tranquility and balance of your society. And that is what determines posterity. If truly you want to be a dreamer or a wisher that the world at large will reckon with, then you must do something or work out something that will outlive you, contribute your quote positively to the nation building that even after you are long gone your works will forever live on.

“I wish I can be a star”, “Oh, how I wish… I wish…” you are already a star. Stop wishing; start activating it by doing something. Create or innovate something today, start that project today, start writing that book or journal, start that business, make that call, register for that course, sit for that exam. What ever is not started cannot be finished. Don’t wait to have all the experience or the know-how before kick-starting, just start any how, in the process you’ll be amazed how many experience you’d have gathered.The question is; what are you known for? It is what you know that will make you known. You are known for what you do, not what you dream about or wish.

You are not a record breaker until you do something to break record. You have in you what it takes to make the world a better place. Only you can. It’s your unique selling point; it’s your competitive advantage, it’s your originality. If you can’t get the message or maybe it’s still confusing you then you need to ask your creator to show you. No one knows the creature (you) more than the creator (God). Ask Him to for divine direction.

The future is bright!

I am M.E. (Mister Exponent)
Primus inter pares…first amongst equals
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                  Adu Sammy


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