The Good Shepheard

Enjoy this report of the Thursday Showers Service I reported for the publications Department of The Fountain of Life Church. Please remember to share if it bless you.

Pastor Jimi Odukoya @Thursday Showers October 12, 2023.

“God is giving out gifts to men right now, be sensitive in the spirit and begin to receive what God is giving you right now. As you are dancing and praising, begin to visualize your miracle and blessings because in the realm of the spirit it is already done.

“Jere. 17:14 (NKJV). As you praise, there is an exchange happening. God is receiving your praise, and giving you back healing. As you praise Him, He is sending back salvation your way in whatever the situation is. The God that I serve specializes in the impossibility. When man reaches his level and limit that is when God starts.

“Dare to believe. All things are possible with our God. Whatever is dead in your life, open your mouth and speak life into it right now. Whatever is lost in your life, in that area you have given up hope, I decree in the name of Jesus in this month of new beginnings, you will pursue, you will overtake and you will recover all, not some, not half, you will recover all in the name of Jesus!” Pastor Jimmy Odukoya, Senior Pastor of The Fountain of Life Church, declared this during the October 3, 2023, Thursday Showers.

Speaking on the topic: “The God Shepherd”, with opening scripture Psalm 23:1-2. Pastor Jimmy pointed that “He made you lay down in green pastures…NOT you”, insisting that the problem is we are trying to do the work that God has not asked us to do. According to PJ, control is an illusion, but when we think about it, we are not in control of anything.

“You are NOT in control of anything. When you sleep, who keeps your heart beating? Even security is an illusion. Unless God keeps the city, the watchmen watch in vein. I am not trying to fault the idea of planning, it is just my person opinion but when people ask me what your plan is, ‘I tell them that I don’t know’. I said, sir, because live life long enough and you know that life is fluid and you are not in control of many things. It only takes one phone call, one meeting, one conversation, one event can shape the trajectory of your entire life. And you will find yourself in places that you didn’t think you will be. For instance, me! If you had asked me my plans for the year, do you think in my plans of 2023 I want to become the Senior Pastor of TFOLC? Do you think it was a goal or a dream I was actively working towards? But one event can shift the trajectory of your entire life. So, rather than try to control or make plans, rather than try to give yourself headache about what tomorrow will hold, rather than worry about the future of your life, family and business, why not let the Shepherd of your soul make you lay down…I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I hold the one who holds tomorrow”, he said.

According to Pastor J, Whether we like it or not, every day that we live brings us closer to our grave. But the good news is that, the one who is our Shepherd He needs to lead you, and He knows the pastures to take you. “Don’t waste your time trying to live out the Shepheard, you are wasting time. Follow the Shepheard of your soul. The Shepheard identifies what was a green pasture for His sheep, it is not just about provision but also about safety and security” he said.

Speaking from Prov. 10:22; 14:12; 3:5-6, the man of God insisted that not every open door, not every opportunity is a blessing from God. Sometimes, you need to be thankful about the doors God shut. Because sometimes, His miracle is shutting the door. Sometimes, we need to thank God for the prayers that He didn’t answer because it was His goodness that didn’t allow you to get what you thought you wanted. “A lot of us are praying for platforms we are not ready for. And God is saying if I give it to you now, I will expose your weakness. So God will say no and He will shut the door on that opportunity because He is a good Father.

“Everybody has a green pasture different from the other person. Like the case of Isaac, when there was a farming in the land, it was a green pasture for Isaac. Your pastures may change from season to season, don’t lock God in. Let your Shepheard lead you, yield to your Shepheard. Be conscious of your Shepheard. For every season of your life, the Lord will lead you to your green pastures. The Lord is your Shepheard, you shall not want!” he said.


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