Error of existence

It is an error of existence to be born poor and die poor. What difference is it between a begger and a proper pauper? When beggers die, there are no comments seen. What a life? May we not just exist but truly live.

Poverty, especially poverty mentality is a woe, rebuke it!

Wealth without a wealthy mentality is wealth soon gone. A rich man and his money is one big party. 

Being broke and skill-less is also a plague, a big curse at that. You must fight it. Do you know without purchasing power, you are wordless?

Your academic qualifications and certificates are not a guarantee that you will be rich. Life's principles are way bigger than those theories and equations taught in school. I knew this later in life....

This year is not the year to play, it's a year to live your life to the fullest. It is the year to expand in leaps and bounds.

You have prayed, fasted and casted enough, and now looking thin and mal-nulrished. It's time to get to work. Even faith without work is dead!

Listen: dreams are good but dreams by itself don't fulfill destiny, duty does!

This year is still young, maximize every opportunity. Make money, explore, change your thinking, change your life. 


I remain your Exponent Sam.

#EXPONENTialSchoolOfThought #ChangeAgent #LivingLegend #SkillAdvocate #Trainer


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