Imparting Hope: Keeping Hope Alive!

“Man’s primary concern about life is to live a life of meaning; giving people a sense of hope, purpose and belonging, to be hopeful and see his hope come to life, to live the reality of his fate absolutely with faith in God.” –Samuel Adu

Life is worthless living outside the auspices of hope
You are a living-corpse without an iota of hope
We all are alive because of a sense of hope, the possibility of change and of a better future
At the absence of hope and all it accompanied aprons; fear, faith and a sense of purpose, we a living corpse!

Hope is the reason we are still here and the anticipation that we will get there someday; it is the modest and unpretentious reason we are still living
Our fate, fortunateness and faith are the substance of things hoped for, principally, the reality and the evidence of things not yet foreseen or beknown

When a man is confused or clueless on the next decision to take at every given time, then he is hopeless, nay, he is helpless

Hopelessness is triggered by a spinoff called cluelessness
When a man is hopeless, he is said to have lost every sense of his judgement, reasoning and rationale; the next decision is to put a halt to his existence

A man void of hope and solace is totally helpless
His hopelessness puts him on a suicide mission; until he takes his life he is not gratified

When hope is sustained over period, faith comes alive
But hoping for too long a time over a course, is the cause of the wariness, weirdness and weakness of the heart

I pondered and wondered; how can we cope with life’s survival without hope?
I then said to myself; hope is our adaptation for survival!
Hope is an essential commodity; the rope we need to cope with life’s scope
Hope is the reason we still breathing
Hope is the reason we are still ‘coping and hoping’
Hoping in the absence of hope is hoping against hope
Yes, hope is the ingredient that adds spice to life
When your hope is still alive then there is no need to give up on life

Without hope all hope will be lost
Without hope our faith is false
Without hope our fate is but a fantastic fantasy
Without hope, the future is bleak
Without hope our belief is mere fallacy
Without hope our confidence level falls drastically
Without hope, dreams become nightmare
Without hope the probability of fulfilling purpose is less than a half

Without hope many will end up in misfortune while some will be outrightly unfortunate
Without hope everything frustrates, plans truncate
Without hope anxiety triggers and escalates
Without hope all will be gloom and doom
Without hope there will be no room for boom
Without hope progress is stunted
Without hope growth is retarded

 hope the status quo remains the same, there will be stagnancy in our ecosystem
Without hope life become unbearable, seeming challenges overwhelm us
Without hope our stay on earth is like a living hell
Without hope it’s hard to survive with the struggles of life
Without hope it is better not to try
Without hope you keep asking why, why, oh why?
Without hope there is no blue skies
Without hope we are merely existing and not really and truly living
Without hope for a better tomorrow our tomorrow is unpromising
Without hope there is no fulfillment of promise because promise hinges on hope
Without hope there is no need for prophesy because hope authenticates prophesy
Without hope it is easy to play the popular blame game
Without hope your struggles continue, your problem lingers
Without hope, worry, anxiety and sorrow are inevitable
Without hope even the rich will humble and the poor keep struggling in the jungle

Hope is the way of escape to a man that believes in his dream
Hope will pave way for a man that will not give up on trying
Hope is the lubricant that fuels our energy to do more
Hope is the currency we need to survive in every aspect of life
Hope is the passport we need to reach our dream land

*If you are a Nigerian, you’ll need a high dose of hope!*

Hope you are hopeful now?

*_This piece is inspired by some Scriptural expositions on Hope_*
When crisis come, Christ is our hope. 1Tim 1:1
Hope is the helmet of our salvation. Rom 8:24
Hope is activated by Grace. 2Thess 2:16
In all things keep hope alive. 1Cor 13:7
God is the God of hope. Rom 15:13
In your hope, be joyful and not ashamed. Rom 5:2-5; 12:12
Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Heb 11:1

*© @exponent_sam*
I am Exponent
Primus inter pares…first amonst equals
Content Creator | Brand Strategist | Printer | Photographer | Trainer


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