Hi there, happy new year once again.

So, I thought to share with on how to make the most out of this year.

No better time to work on your plans and fulfill your dreams. No time for wishful thinking. Decide to decide. If you keep hoping and waiting for the perfect time, place, event and condition to get things done or pursue your goals, you will never achieve anything worthwhile, you won't even get anything done!

Don't just be a talker, be a doer. Avoid procrastination like plague!

What will be will be. May we not be victims of ravaging evil. May God's guardian Angels be kept charged over us in our going out and coming in.

Go for your goals! Pursue it with all you've got. Build the right network, they determine your net worth and what works.

Position yourself for opportunities. Prepare for uncertainties, plan for change, expect interruptions, don't be shocked by the economic realities. We are in a new world order.

The times have changed. We now live in a new reality. Anything can happen to anybody.

Whatever you want to do, despite the new normal, just do it and do it well.

Follow trends and move with them. Get new skills to stay relevant. Learn a second language if you can. By all means, diversify. Build multiple streams of income.

Embrace your loved ones. Family is still King. Choose only friends that will add value to you.

Don't just live for the moment. Build a legacy. Be a blessing to others. Make your life count, don't just count your life!

Never forget the God-factor. Remember, when everything fails, God's Word will ever remain. Know that.

Happy First Sunday of the year.


Samuel Adu

Mr. Exponent

Primus inter pares...first amongst equals

Photoprenuer | Freelancer | Content Creator | Brand Strategist | Social Entrepreneur | Youth Advocate | Trainer



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