…Not Alone

The route to significance and meaning can be full of strive…
But if you F.O.C.U.S. and believe in your God-given vision, you will thrive…
Many have subscribed to the average thinking that “No matter what, I shall survive” …
The quest for survival is now their ultimate drive…

Instead, you affirm: “I will be greatly successful” in this my one life…
For your discouragement and despair, it’s time to revive…
For the know, demotivation and illusion may be a derivative connive…
Little wonder, many qualified of the rising are deprive…

In this hitherto life’s crazy, bewilder and uphill jungle
The survival of the fittest remains a daily struggle
You have to keep pushing and pressing even with or without your knuckle
Sometimes the only way to pay evil is with good and not with another kind of evil

The expression of lunacy and idiocy at seeming minus situations sometimes make one giggle and chuckle
Other times, you wonder and marvel at how the others’ disruptive behavior can burst your bubble
The poverty of their mind and dearth of idiolect has become a fastened shackle to their ankle
Justifiably so, they are like the infant's biological whose survival is by the suckle

When your nuisance value offsets your wisdom value
Too, its crookedness now reflects on your reputation capital for double
Come circumstance, you become rigid in lieu of flexible
There and then, you recognize there is a BIG trouble

You need advancement and upward career supple by miracle?
Marvel not! Even faith travails travel by walk and works’ pinnacle
And your supplications shall not be muddled by mere mumble and jumble
Remember, the adversary is ever available to drag you down to his downgraded level

The path to peace, progress and prosperity is not without its accompanying problems…
For every new level you attain, there is a dare devil ordained and anointed to constrain…
Gift of life, though a privilege for all, is not a bed of roses
Grace, though sufficient for our weakness, is not without cost

Salvation, though given freely universally, is not cheap!
Neither favour, acceptance nor approval is fair!
Elective mercy, or call it justice-shattering mercy, is mysteriously incomprehensible to man!
You cannot and should not be censored unacquainted!

You need grace to quit the rat race and run your race to finish lane…
You need providence and mercy to massage your mess until it becomes a message…
You need favour to alter your lifetime of labour…
You need wisdom to breakthrough power centers, subdue kingdoms and nations…

The struggle out there is surreal; your gut must be realer…
People may be rough, the economy like ours may be tough, you must be tougher…
The nation may be in recession, some of our leaders may be sick “up there”, don’t let the state of things put you under depression…
Trying time is neither the time to start crying and complaining nor the time to stop trying…

The prophesies over your life are the promises of the pictures of your brighter tomorrow…
But prophesies must be contested because the contenders are neither quiescent nor calm…
To wear the crown, you must walk the lawn till dawn without a frown…
To fulfill your dreams, you must stay fully awake…

You can’t keep dreaming to rule the world, you must be daring, dutiful and up and doing
As you journey through your existence, you will meet interruptions, you will experience ups and down…
Never give up on your dreams but be discerning and know the desired time to quit…
The times are evil; you must remain vigil-ant and up tight…

Choose your network carefully; they determine your net worth and what works…
Never stay where you are not celebrated but only tolerated, lest your value will be denigrated…
Remember your advantage; you have a brain to think, your hand to work and a God at your back...
If you have God and all of Him, your good will manifest…

Forget not that in all that thou goest through…ye are not alone!

Welcome to your season of covenant realities
2018 is your revolutionary year yet!

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 © @exponent_sam
Speaker | Writer | Photopreneur | Creative Designer | Printer | Trainer
WhatsApp/Call: 08062082575, 08082970635
Follow Me on All Social Media: Samuel Adu


  1. I like this bro! Powerful one there! Keep up the good spirit buddie..

    1. Thank you Boss.
      I am glad you liked it.
      Thanks for stopping by.


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