Nothing happens, nothing changes until you make a decision. Decision changes destiny.”
--Samuel Adu 

What do you want? Another year is right here and the clock is ticking, the days are passing by, the weeks are rolling over, the first week of the first month is already gone! This year promises hope, opportunities, advancement, success and fortune as well as disappointments, failures, misfortune, economic challenges like the concurrent recessions, disequilibrium and chaos in our country. But you know what: you must decide what you want this year in spite of. This year can be same of the same as the previous year and the yesteryears. In fact, this New Year can just be the same as the previous year carried over or let me adopt the accounting term—brought forward if you make no move to improve your life, to advance your course, to be better. A change of date does not necessitate that the year is fresh or novel. What makes a year new, hopeful and promising is essentially a change of mindset, a change of attitude or behavior, a change of idea or plan, a change in belief system and practice, a change of philosophy or perspective to life, a change of association and what have you.

For most individuals out there, the year is new because the date is new, the calendar has changed and it’s January, or February or March etc. No, nothing is special about the new week, month or year except the fact that you have new resolutions, new set-goals, plans and strategies that you want to accomplish. That’s all!

Everyone that will ever become great in life must be willing to make great decision(s); decision on what to do per time, decision on the career path to follow; decision on the type of company or association to keep, decision to break free from an addiction, decision on the kind of person you wish to be with, decision to be the best among peers, decision to be great in life, decision to work a little extra and increase you earning profile, decision to learn a new skill or more, decision to maximize the moment, decision on daily routine, decision to start an enterprise or NGO, decision to further in education, decision to be gainfully employed, decision to start saving for a raining day (it will come), decision to start investing, decision to change from a bad habit, decision to start volunteering for community service…the list is endless.

Our final destination tomorrow is essentially a function of our decisions today. To refuse to decide is to refuse to deliver results; it’s to set yourself up for frustration, stagnation and liquidation. The point am emphasizing here is that whatever you will eventually become in life (this year to be precise), whether you will end up happy or sad, wealthy or poor, great or average, success or failure, it is a matter of the choices you make today.

To decide according to the 7th edition of the Oxford Advanced learner’s dictionary is to; think carefully about the different possibilities that are available and choose from one of them; make an official or legal judgment; to affect the result of something; to be the reason why somebody does something. Our decision and not necessarily our condition determine our destiny. Decision changes destiny, actually. Some actions cannot be hoped for, they can only be decided! Our decisions or choices today inform our actions tomorrow. The details of the larger pictures of tomorrow are hinged on the choices we make today.

FYI, your decision or indecision starts with a decision. Indecision as it were, is a decision to not make a decision, and the root of indecision is the cancer that terminates our enviable destiny. The truth is, when we decide to make progress in our life notwithstanding the circumstance surrounding our background, our education, our imagination comes alive, since imagination give meaning to experience and understanding to knowledge (of what we know). Until then, other people’s decision informs our decision for our life. That is why most folks are stranded and frustrated today. Lack of identity-the ignorance of who we are and the stuffs we are made of is the reason we end up in calamity.

Yes, when you don’t know what you want, other people will pose suggestions to you which may be disingenuous. When it comes to destiny matters our decision is ultimate, our decision matters so long it align with the will of God for our lives. Until we understand purpose-the meaning of existence, making the right decision becomes a very hard thing to do. Little wonder, many live there life on public opinion, hence, confusion, negation and stagnation. The end product is the blame game-a game too common among failures.

I have come to understand that the very first step in decision making is to decide what you want then pursue it with vigor. There is no such thing has a “gift” of decision. God doesn’t give people the gift of decision or choice-making, else we won’t have to choose whom to marry or the career path to follow. It is God’s integrity to bring opportunities your way but it’s your choose to grab it. Know what you want. Decide, discern, detect, demand, negotiate and go for it! You don’t get what you deserve in life until you demand for it! Open your eyes, shine your eyes!

Today, decide what you want and rely on God for provision. In the main, planning, strategy and goal setting is fundamental for accomplishment. Remember, nature respond to our instinct. If you want something so badly like the air you need to breathe, nature will orchestrate circumstance in your favour. Decide what you want out of life today, and make God the center of your priority.


This year, your success is sure!
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