Pastors Taiwo & Nomthi Odukoya at Thursday showers, June 8, 2017.

Beyond the beautiful worship and praise sessions, the testimonies of God’s proven faithfulness and the miracle meal otherwise known as communion rituals at Thursday Showers, is the ever fresh, refreshing and undiluted Word from God’s servant.

This Thursday featured Pastor Nomthi Odukoya’s word of encouragement and the word and prophetic release from the set man of God, Pastor Taiwo Odukoya.

In her short exaltation, reading from the book of St. Luke 16:10-12, Pastor Nomthi Odukoya shared some insightful thoughts on faithfulness in little things and being consistence in all endeavours including our tithes and offering, adding that even in our little income, if we find it difficult to give when we have N10,000, it will even be more difficult to give when we have N1,000,000. She said “In whatever we do, we need to be faithful, consistent and never give up because God rewards our faithfulness. Thank God for the little things, it leads to BIG promotion.”

She expressed expressly that if you are dishonest or not faithful with the little things like your job (maybe because your employer does not pay you well enough and you start exploiting them), another’s property at your care, how can you be faithful or honest with the big things? If you are not taking proper care of what is not yours, owning to the fact that you are not being paid well for it, would you be able to take care of it if it were yours? Remember that whatever you sow you shall reap.

She encouraged the church to thank God for the little they have and use it to bless others “Give from the little you have, give of your time, your love, your friendship to people”, she said.
Pastor Taiwo Odukoya, speaking on Growth in the Kingdom, corroborated Pastor Nomthi on the idea that in the Kingdom, things start small and grow. He said, “Your best today will surely be improved upon tomorrow because in the Kingdom we get consistently better by the day. It is nature for humans to despise our little beginnings, but in the Kingdom there is always room for growth, there is room for improvement. If it is God, it must grow! So you have to anticipate increase. This is the mindset”. He added that, if you have the Kingdom mindset, you will manifest Kingdom results. As a matter of fact, being born again places you in the realm of the supernatural. The kingdom life is an expanding life and whatever is of God will grow. But if you are not conscious of the life of God at work in you, it then becomes difficult to place a demand on it.

In further buttressing his point, he established that the whole essence of teaching and preaching, the whole essence of prophesy in the 5-fold ministry is to establish a Kingdom mindset, it is to plant the mind of Christ in the hearts of the people. Essentially, what the devil does is to make you think contrary to what God has said concerning you in His Word. “By covenant, we are above only, we are head and not tail, we are seated with Him in the Heavenly places far above principalities and powers. As believers, this is the kind of mindset we should have. Any other mindset apart from this is an anomaly” he said.

Taking His in-sermon scripture readings from Mark 4:1-12; 4:26-29; 11:23, Proverbs 24:5; 15:32, 2Cor. 10:15; 13:11, Genesis 26:1-14, Psalm 89:24; 92:14; Ephesians 1:17, 1Thessalonians 3:12, 2Peter 3, Luke 2:52 respectively, he said it does matter what challenges you are going through, if you believe in the God of the supernatural that you serve, the situation will change (in your favour) because it is not your final. The Word of God therefore is the seed, speak it into your situation and expect a turnaround. “You may not know how it will grow but you dare speak the Word, you will see your harvest! Because in the Kingdom things start with the seed and grow. That is why we don’t despise the small beginnings”.

Speaking on Kingdom wealth principles and mindset, he said wealth do grow. “The principle that brings you in to the place of wealth, if you maintain it, it will keep growing”. Growth is a Kingdom principle, it is a mindset. We grow in power, peace, faith, fear of God, understanding, wisdom, knowledge, love and grace, We grow into maturity, we grow in favour with God and man, we grow in status (Luke 2:52), we grow in all the virtue of the Kingdom.

“A man cannot produce beyond his mindset, his convictions. When your convictions changes, your expectations will change. The redeemed mindset put the redeemed above. Yes, you can stop any demon or witches, sin and afflictions because you have the power. It is a #mindset”, he said.

Reported By: @exponent_sam
Submitted to: Publications Department, TFOLC.


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