That destiny moment when you
feel a very strong, unusual, “enigmatic”, inexplicable, unforgettable presence
of God in a service, nay, a musical concert!
There is no better way to describe the mightiness,
sovereignty, and awesomeness of God especially because He alone can determine
when, how, what and who to favour and bless at any day, anytime anywhere,
anyhow. Obviously, God is such an expert in performing wonders and turning
people’s lives around in a twinkling of an eye without anyone’s permission or apology.
That is why He is the “I am that I am”.
So God decided to surprise His children on
Saturday, 17th of October, at the 2016 Emerge live Concert—an
awesome praise concert organized by the coolest youth church in Nigeria,
Church316, the youth arm of The Fountain of Life Church, Ilupeju, Lagos.
And so the Emerge Leadership Conference 2016 cannot
be soon forgotten in the annals of everyone that attended, particularly the
emerge live concert that featured beautiful renditions, electric praise and
intense worship, the spoken word poetry, drama sketches, dance and steps,
comedy etc. from our very own celebrated Gx Choir and other invited gospel
artists including but not limited to LMG, Spirit, Soul and body Dance Crew,
RGK, BNG, AK Comedian, Emma Oh-My-God, Ifeayin Jaginma, Henry Soul, Provabs,
Tolu Ijogun, BF, Cooldam, Tim Godfrey and the Xrteme Crew et al. Plus that
destiny moment when God decided to use the Guest MC,
Oluwabibs of Alibaba Radio Host to alter the life and destiny of Paul
Oladapo and his fiancée for good; an experience that would last a life
time in the hearts of the lucky and the witnesses.
It all began when she-Oluwabibs made a call that
any intending couple ready to tie the knot between October 2016 and March 2017,
and are both present in the service should come out for recognition. Like play
sha, people thought she probably wanted to crack a joke out of them, so most
people were reluctant and didn’t come out at first. Then all of a sudden, this
duo stepped out in grand style (it was even gathered that the lady dragged the
guy out) without an idea what she wanted to do with them. But like God can use
anyone to change the life of anybody, anytime, any day forever, He did, using
Oluwabibs to fix their upcoming wedding happening sometime in March 2017. She
only requested that people should support them in their own capacities but to
the amazement of everybody, the couple-in-transit got what they never bargained

They did not only get people who promised to plan
the wedding for free, they also got all the resources needed to make the
wedding a huge success: from free wedding MC, to free artist to perform live at
the reception, to free ushers, to free venue (2 venues to be precise), to free
drinks and food, to free return tickets to Dubai for their honeymoon, to free
‘Aso Ebi’ for the intending couple and their families, to free Alaga Iduro, to
free wedding dress for the bride and free wedding suit for the groom, to free
brand new cars to be bought through people’s donations for the couple (In fact sources
gathered that prior to that life-transforming experience, the groom-to-be had
less than #10,000 in his accounts and then in less than 48hours, about
#12million was already transferred to his personal account from people he did
not know and would likely never meet in his life time!), free everything! OMG!
The thing is that God can be amazing and amusing
sometimes sha. He can be very overwhelming too. And that is why He is God. He
is no respecter of persons. When God decides to bless a man irrespective of his
background or looks, He breaks protocols. That is how God signed a free
wedding for Paul and his bride just because he was found to be
faithful in His house, serving Him diligently as an Usher for years.

If it is your time, it is your turn! When the Lord
turns again our captivity, we will be in awe with our mouths open wide, ajar!
…and now this is what I call #ENIGMA! The them
couldn’t have been better.
That 7hours concert was finally brought to a close
with church 3:16’s way of
singing the grace and benediction. Everyone went home with a different
understanding of who God is and never to joke with God for anything, for He is
not a man, His ways are not our ways at all.
Follow @Church316 on twitter and @church316_ on
Instagram, for updates on the #emergereloaded coming up on October 2nd,
I remain your Exponent!
Primus inter pares…first amongst equals
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Great write-up! This wonder was actually recorded in Sept, 2016. I got recap of this remarkable miracle on the following Sunday service by Pastor Taiwo Odukoya...& yet again more blessings flowed in to this couple, all of a sudden! Someone volunteered to get the groom's parents' attires for the wedding, another for the bride's parents, yet another for their wedding rings! Left-Overs even volunteeered to cater for item 7!!! God shows up at perfect timing, things fall in line with no stress and awesome rest on every side. That's the testimony of this couple, which words fail to describe. And knowing that God is always in the business of doing such pleasant, awesome miracles...I can't but wait in faith for mine! My Awesome Lord God Almighty, pls do the undescribable in my life, I yearn for You & quietly, I wait for You to show forth Your power the more & like never before in my life
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by. Oh, my bad! I'm just seeing this beautiful comment now. Forgive me.
DeleteThe same God that did it for this awesome couple will do it for you and me in Jesus name! So long as we never relent on serving God with our hearts, He will surely come through for us even when we least expect it.