*About Idea*

Like the shortest pen is longer than the longest memory, it is better to have one idea💡 that is developed and already put into action than to have ideas only existing in it idea💡 form.

Most people only have an idea about an idea, they lack the skill to conceptualize. Too bad. They are pirates! They cannot even develop what has been conceptualised in its original raw form. They arelazy. They are the weak majority lacking depth. They lack intuition, they cannot innovate. They are good at excuses, they are professional blamers and naysayers. Don't be like them!

Be like the minority few that will sit down to conceptualize an idea, develop it and act immediately. The world will not celebrate you because you have ideas in your head, they will rather celebrate your result.

Even if you can't be original, in fact, you don't need to, but at least be ORiGiNal! Anyhow, learn how to tweak! Just make sure you create something a little different from the norm. That is what I call innovation in its simplest form!
It's OK to have an idea about an idea, it's better to have idea, it's best to develop it any which way. But above all, take action. That is how to be celebrated!

(c) @exponent_sam
Primus inter pares...first amongst equals
My New BB Pin: 7B50F209

Watsapp: 08082970635


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