Celebrating Jesus—the reason for Christmas

What a wonder in the birth of our master!
His community sees his parent as people with nothing to offer
Since they have no certificate to tender
To qualify who they are
His father, for that matter
Was an ordinary village carpenter…
Jesus himself was born in the manger
By a virgin mother
He is the reason we celebrate the Yuletide—Christmas festival
For the story of his birth is supernatural!

A lot of times I just wonder and ponder
Sometimes it strikes me like a thunder
Considering the wonders behind his gender
How He could choose to be born in the manger
Yet, across every borders
Every second, every minute, every hour
His name is what the people holla
Especially when there are times of danger
Till today, His love does not discriminate against genders

Of a truth, Jesus is the vine; His father is the vine dresser
He refer to God as His father
He refer to us as His brothers and sisters
Although, He is our master
God His father remains our maker

His name alone can terminate terminal diseases like HIV, Cancer and Ebola!
Just a call away in prayer, He’ll answer
Anytime, any day he answers better
Anyhow, any which way, His name moves mountains and breaks barriers
To Him am writing this letter
In appreciating for bringing me thus far
Farther than I thought I could go any further

Lord, you are my protection, my umbrella
When I need a place to stay, you are my shelter
My shield and my confirmed buckler
You created me with no blunders
You always protect me against the snares of the fowler
You covered me with your feathers
Under your wings you hide me under
You make my light shine brighter and brighter
My all, to you I surrender!

For my challenges, no worries, nothing to bother
The Lord is my purifier, my sanctifier, my healer, and my comforter
You are the reason am looking fresher and younger
For your good works in my life, people are beginning to say I’m getting fatter
You will surely preserve me when I pass through the fire
When there are signs of dangers on my way, you are my spiritual cover
If it is for my downfall that my enemies gather together
Their father! They will surely scatter and fall yakata
For my God never sleeps nor slumber
When my confidence leaks, you are my plumber
When am crushed, you are my panel beater
When am loosed and unfit to stand defeat, you are my re-wire
In times of war and disaster, you are my conserver

Your words are spirit and like lighter
That we need to make our lives better and brighter
If we all can draw close to Him—the Master,
He will make our lives better than it was former
Jesus, what a wonder that you are!

Merry, merry Christmax!

Exponent Samuel Adu
Primus inter pares…first amongst equals
BB Pin:  58B8AF18
Watsapp: +234 808 297 0635
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