To love is stronger than to like
Love is better than hatred
Obedience is better than sacrifice
Education is better than schooling
Researching is deeper than reading
Seeing is better than looking
Doing is better than dreaming
Giving is better than receiving
Asking intelligent questions is better than giving stupid answers
Finishing is better than starting
Inspiration is deeper than motivation
To be failing is better than to be a failure
Sometimes to listen is better than to be loquacious
Action speaks volume better than words
Reasoning is deeper than thinking
Smart work and network is better than hard work
Pragmatism is better than Idealism
Revelation is deeper than information
Responsibility is deeper than sincerity
Collaboration or association is stronger than isolation
Relationship is deeper than friendship
Fellowship is stronger than communication
Unity is stronger than uniformity in any society
Praise and worship is deeper than prayer and fasting
Faith is better than fact
Insight is deeper than sight
Vision is stronger than imagination
Best is better than good
To be lively is better than to be alive
To be living is better than to be existing
Determination is stronger than desire
Skill is better than ability/potential
To follow divine instruction is better than to rely on your own decision
To be a blessing is better than to be blessed
Character is better than charisma

…Okies. Let’s go on a lighter mode
In traffic, a motorcycle is better than a vehicle
In the rain, it is better to board a bus than to take a bike
In fashion and style, fitted is better than large
In finance, investment is better than savings
In church, praise and worship time is better than offering time
In Christianity, gospeling is better than gossiping
In transportation, travelling by air is better than by road
In Nutrition, eating balanced diet is better than eating concoction
In leadership and management, serving others is better than ruling others
In moral ethics, doing good is better that looking good
In work life, to be an entrepreneur is better than to be an employee
In relationship, disagreement is better than argument
In life, it is better to live in perpetual slavery than to keep bad company
To Ladies folks, it is better to be voracious than to be voluptuous
To guys, it is better to be a brainy than to be a player
To couples, it is better to disagree to agree
To partners in courtship, interview (discovering each other) is better than intercourse (sleeping with each other)

Oya add yours, don’t spoil the fun.

Samuel Adu
M.E. (Mr. Exponent)
BB Pin: 29104413


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