
Akpors wrote an agric examination that almost gave his teacher a heart attack after she went through his script while marking. If you think it can’t be that bad, check out how he responded to this particular question:

QUESTION: Mention 3 differences between Livestock:
A (Goat) and Livestock B (Sheep)

Check the answer Akpos gave:
1. The goat when you use it for soup it taste waaaaooow but the sheep when u use it for soup it does not taste waaaaow.
2. Goats give soup perfume especially the boy goat but sheep don’t give soup perfume.
3. A goat can cross a road wisely but the sheep is very foolish and walks slowly on the road.
4. A goat has a sharp brake but a sheep don’t have sharp brake.
5. Goat head is smelling but sheep head is not smelling.
6. Goat is on left side of God but sheep is on right side of God.
7. Goat is stubborn but sheep is humble.
8. Goat can jump and turn 360° but sheep cannot jump and turn 360°.
9. The goat cries mkpehehe mkpehehe but sheep cries berhh berhh.
If you were this teacher, what would you score



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