In the Spirit of Easter, I wrote this on my wall on Facebook.
Please read to the end.
Exponent Samuel Adu
That riches won’t be far from our niche
He became poor so that we can be rich
He was not guilty yet we killed Him and nailed Him on the cross
His primary assignment was to come and save us
He was called the son of man
But yet was afflicted by the sons of men
Was grossly rejected so that we can be accepted
Like a lunatic He was stripped naked
He was injured for our lapses
He was battered for our crime
The chastisement of our peace was upon Him
And with His stripes we are healed
He hated sin but yet dine with sinners
Was beaten mercilessly like a thief
The sin of the world was upon Him
Even God the Father at the cross disowned Him
Was crucified among criminals
And the worst- was killed like an animal!
But today, we called Him the first born of the dead
Cause death could not hold him captive
His resurrection is the proof of our Belief
Though He died early at 33 but His purpose He did not miss
So that we can live to inherit promise
In agony and calamity
He was bruised for our iniquity
Yet He fought to the end for our own
All alone without a clone
In hunger and starvation he grew thin
Yet through His Blood we were made clean
He suffered enough pain without complain
For ALL to gain from His pain
Like play, like game
For our sake, He seek no fame
I asked myself: who is He by the way?
He said “I AM THE WAY”
Through which we can access the heavenly father
Without Him there is no other
Looking at the cross, He endured the misery
So that in patience, we can gain mastery
No matter how the challenges may be
As for me, He remain the world to me
I don’t know about you
But to Him, like super glue I’ll glue
When my skies are blue
He said to me in His word, “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you”
His word his my delight
Day-by-day it gives me more insight
Through the power in His word
I’m licensed to change and recreate my world
Come rain, come shine
I’ll proclaim His Word, I’ll not be shy
He is my all in all

Without Him I’ll stumble and fall
Each and every day’s light
He reminds me that my future is bright
When my pains linger all through the night
Indeed, His is my strength and my light
He is my, your, our everything
That’s why we are still among the class of the living
Without His creative capacity and ability
I can’t increase in productivity
He remain the only begotten Son
Whose glory is brighter than the Sun
When am confused and lonely, to Him I’ll run to
For he cares for me so
And justifiably so
When troubles cause me to cry
I know His word cannot lie
When the twists and twirls of life increase its compass
His word says ‘it shall surely come to pass’
He is the beginning and the ending
The ending and the beginning
Heaven and earth may pass away
But His word, His living word is here to stay
Like things fall apart, other things my fall apart
Prophesies and there counterpart may not come to pass
Visions may be only fulfilled in parts
But His living word cannot break apart
Who is he that so much loves us?
To laying down His life on the cross
Even in our sin, His love never diminish
He said with a loud voice on the cross ‘it is finished!’
I repeat, who is he that so much love us?
That could go the long lone way
Just to give us another day
And finally, the answer is “Master Jesus!”
Happy Easter Friends!
He is no more at the tomb!
He is risen, He is alive!
He lives for ever more!
It's still M.E. (Mr. Exponent)
Primus inter pares...first among equals
Twitter: @exponent_xp
Facebook: Xponent Xp
Adu Sammy
Linkedin: Exponent Samuel Adu
Watsapp: 08082970635
Mobile: 08062082575
Blogsite: www.mrexponent.blogspot.com
Please read to the end.
Exponent Samuel Adu
That riches won’t be far from our niche
He became poor so that we can be rich
He was not guilty yet we killed Him and nailed Him on the cross
His primary assignment was to come and save us
He was called the son of man
But yet was afflicted by the sons of men
Was grossly rejected so that we can be accepted
Like a lunatic He was stripped naked
He was injured for our lapses
He was battered for our crime
The chastisement of our peace was upon Him
And with His stripes we are healed
He hated sin but yet dine with sinners
Was beaten mercilessly like a thief
The sin of the world was upon Him
Even God the Father at the cross disowned Him
Was crucified among criminals
And the worst- was killed like an animal!
But today, we called Him the first born of the dead
Cause death could not hold him captive
His resurrection is the proof of our Belief
Though He died early at 33 but His purpose He did not miss
So that we can live to inherit promise
In agony and calamity
He was bruised for our iniquity
Yet He fought to the end for our own
All alone without a clone
In hunger and starvation he grew thin
Yet through His Blood we were made clean
He suffered enough pain without complain
For ALL to gain from His pain
Like play, like game
For our sake, He seek no fame
I asked myself: who is He by the way?
He said “I AM THE WAY”
Through which we can access the heavenly father
Without Him there is no other
Looking at the cross, He endured the misery
So that in patience, we can gain mastery
No matter how the challenges may be
As for me, He remain the world to me
I don’t know about you
But to Him, like super glue I’ll glue
When my skies are blue
He said to me in His word, “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you”
His word his my delight
Day-by-day it gives me more insight
Through the power in His word
I’m licensed to change and recreate my world
Come rain, come shine
I’ll proclaim His Word, I’ll not be shy
He is my all in all

Without Him I’ll stumble and fall
Each and every day’s light
He reminds me that my future is bright
When my pains linger all through the night
Indeed, His is my strength and my light
He is my, your, our everything
That’s why we are still among the class of the living
Without His creative capacity and ability
I can’t increase in productivity
He remain the only begotten Son
Whose glory is brighter than the Sun
When am confused and lonely, to Him I’ll run to
For he cares for me so
And justifiably so
When troubles cause me to cry
I know His word cannot lie
When the twists and twirls of life increase its compass
His word says ‘it shall surely come to pass’
He is the beginning and the ending
The ending and the beginning
Heaven and earth may pass away
But His word, His living word is here to stay
Like things fall apart, other things my fall apart
Prophesies and there counterpart may not come to pass
Visions may be only fulfilled in parts
But His living word cannot break apart
Who is he that so much loves us?
To laying down His life on the cross
Even in our sin, His love never diminish
He said with a loud voice on the cross ‘it is finished!’
I repeat, who is he that so much love us?
That could go the long lone way
Just to give us another day
And finally, the answer is “Master Jesus!”
Happy Easter Friends!
He is no more at the tomb!
He is risen, He is alive!
He lives for ever more!
It's still M.E. (Mr. Exponent)
Primus inter pares...first among equals
Twitter: @exponent_xp
Facebook: Xponent Xp
Adu Sammy
Linkedin: Exponent Samuel Adu
Watsapp: 08082970635
Mobile: 08062082575
Blogsite: www.mrexponent.blogspot.com
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