My Wish...

My Wish Hey guys, it’s so cool to wake up to the reality of the fact that today marks yet another year in my life! Happy birth day to M.E.! Ok, ok, on this special day of mine, I wanna share a piece I wrote some years ago. It’s about my ‘Wish List’, it’s obvious how we want so many things in life and wish to be this and that…. Anyways, this piece below is for your reading. Kindly read to the end… The whole idea of this write-up came up as a result of my childhood desires to have or become too many things which eventually contributed to my confused state of existence at a time ‘t’ in my life. And I believe so many people are still in this gap. But then, If wishes were horses…Enjoy! I wish am not born in a humble background, I won’t be this humble. I’d have live life luxuriously. I wish I have enough access to money and other needed resources to accomplish my goals I wish I have a car or an automobile to make my journey fun and faster (it’s on th...