The question is: does Nigeria worth celebrating? This is a query in the minds of so many Nigerians. At such a time as this, some deem it as an avenue to express their grievance, discontent and disappointment. Really, our leaders have not lived up to their responsibilities, our expectations have been chattered, our hopes and aspirations for a better Nigeria-our fatherland is apparently uncertain.

It is so dehumanizing seeing our educational sector is in a dilapidating state, our health sector is not healthy, boko haram is still bombing, threatening our peace, killing innocent citizens, now our Chibok school girls in Bornu State are still missing and our hitherto government is not doing anything about that, our roads are bad, we still cannot brag of a constant power supply, the economy is in a state of shameful hilarity. What a pity! What is the point celebrating our 54th Independence Day celebration? We might have gotten independence from the Colonial masters but are we truthfully free?

Our elected leaders are just in the business of siphoning public funds and transferring same into their private bank accounts and foreign investments. The economy is not stable, our currency has no value in international trade, interest (lending) rate is on the high side, cost of living is low, standard of living is higher than even Mount Everest, unemployment is a norm, our youth are not useful in politics except for the sake of ‘hooliganism’ during electoral processes, limited jobs are available in the labour market, the state of the nation is in hysteria and now the ‘ebola’ outbreak is a great concern to our survival.

The Bad News!

Societal imbalance, balance of trade (B.O.P.) disequilibrium, political upheaval, economic instability, ecosystem malady, degradation and deprivation of human rights, lawlessness, scarcity, misuse, disuse of ‘abundant’ mineral and natural resources, natural and artificial (man-made) hazards, inflationary trend, godfatherism, corruption, bribery, and nepotism (or call it bottleneck), bureaucracy, misappropriation of public funds, embezzlement, and the likes so characterize our dear nation. The question again is: does Nigeria at 54 worth celebrating nation-wide? What has been the dividend from democracy 16 years down the line? Hmmmm, anyhow we see it, I believe we still have a lot to celebrate as a nation and there is still hope for our country. Nigeria has a great future. Take it from me because I’m a proud Nigerian!

Take it or live it, Nigeria is God’s own state. A state full of plenty even though her people live in abject poverty, a country where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, a state where power is a must (it is a do or die affair…), an economy where the decisions of the minority few sways the lifecycle of the majority…

The Good News!

Nigeria is worth celebrating that we are a nation with one voice despite our ethnic diversity. Yeah, I celebrate my country because of our religious believe in hope for posterity. We still have a few good men around who will not give in to corruption, bribery or favoritism. Our religious organizations—there constant intervention through spiritual warfare (prayers and supplications) is a proof that Nigeria will not break, Nigeria will be one and will remain a one-nation with one solemn voice.

I don’t know about you, as for me, myself and I, I believe in a NEW NIGERIA with the emergence of new leaders come 2015 who will not live for their pockets alone but will see to the plights of the populace and effect changes where necessary. I see a new government that will solve the epileptic issues of power and insecurity phobias as it were. A new government will surface, all things being equal, ceteris paribus, that will fight the boko haram insurgency (I intentionally do not use title case for the sects) in the nation. Ultimately, I, for an optimist, foresee a new Nigeria that will soon become a tourist attraction for foreign investors and expatriates.

A sigh of hope!

Believe. Just believe. There is hope for our dear nation. The dividend of democracy is in our epoch. God has not forgotten us. I see inventors and investors, business moguls and entrepreneurs, visionary leaders and effective managers, international juggernauts and celebrated jurist/professors of no mean repute, robust ‘thinknologists’ (thinkers) and  intellectual giants,  brazening workaholics and incomparable orators, prolific writers (novel laureates) and word sculptors emerging from our soil. Our locally made finished products will soon be exported beyond the shores of Africa to the uttermost parts of the world from Europe to Asia, to America, to Australia and the Atlantic Oceans! Our long departed folks abroad will be forced to come back home to witness the development and equally contribute to this transformation. Yes, the future we all have been waiting for so long is here! It is not a myth, it’s a certainty, and it is never a fallacy but a fantastic reality.
I see our young adults taking up political responsibilities and contributing positive quotas to the nation’s development. I see more and more youth evolving, involving and venturing into agriculture and farming. Agriculture will soon regain her glory as the main stay of our economy. We won’t not all need to pursue and kill ourselves because of OIL MONEY again. No!
I see entrepreneurship and investment in MSMEs (Micro, Small & Medium Scale Enterprises) as future growth and development, engendered to foster change and transformation, productivity and output of our Nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and GNP (Gross National Product).

The Giant of Africa!

Nigeria my country, the Giant of Africa! It time to arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. It’s time to arise from your slumber oh Nigeria! It is time to proof to the world the stuffs you are made of.  I therefore call on all concerned Nigerians (like my humble self) to come out of their comfort zones to drive home the change our individuality deserves. Let us start doing things that our society and posterity will be grateful for. Let us start living by example-the change we want begins with us!
Nigeria will be made better not by foreigners but by Nigerians—you and me!

God bless Nigeria!
God bless our Leaders!
God bless you!
God bless the writer of the piece!

© Exponent Samuel Adu
Poet. Blogger. Emcee/Motivator. Entrepreneur.

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