IN RETROSPECT....Exponent Samuel Adu
Back then in school in those days as an undergrad, my course mates used to call me different names most en-route from my hilarious 'slangs' and style of creating humour. One of such is "Living thing", and/or "Plan B". Simi, Paul and Shaddy will testify of
Well, the idea was that I always have an alternative forgone for everything I set out to do. And justifiably so, It was so evident from my scale of preference.
One prominent thing I did in school back them was to find means of making money from my 'intellectual deposits', thus, I would do summer 'intern' jobs, teach co-coursemates, sell my well written 'graphics design' notes (no wonder I now do graphics design big time), write test for people in any department, do assignments and carry over courses for people. In fact, some pay me to teach them in the exam hall which I always do! (God has all ready forgiven me jare).

For everything I did then, the goal was to make money in school and then use the same to finance myself through school. It wasn't easy though. Emi mi fe bo! Mo le ka iwe pa!
Sometimes, especially when modular examination is near, I would teach people right from d comfort of my house while 'all men are fast asleep (thanks to MTN extracool of those days) in the bid to collect my doh when I enter school the next day.

Sometimes, especially when modular examination is near, I would teach people right from d comfort of my house while 'all men are fast asleep (thanks to MTN extracool of those days) in the bid to collect my doh when I enter school the next day.
Then, I was fond of playfully telling co-coursemates that 'My school fees is in your pockets, and whether you like it or not I will use Plan B to collect it'. But they would laugh and mock me profusely.

Alas! In the very long run analysis, I would have made most of the money from the runs I aforelisted above without them knowing that they are supporting my school fees indirectly.
So far, one thing I have learnt is that you can always make money from other people's foolishness and ignorance. Ignorance is the fool's arrogance! And so the assertion is true that we pay for what we don't know! Ignorance, then, to me is a vice. Knowledge, to my own endorsement is a virtue! What you know makes you known, what you don't know keeps you in the dark.

So far, one thing I have learnt is that you can always make money from other people's foolishness and ignorance. Ignorance is the fool's arrogance! And so the assertion is true that we pay for what we don't know! Ignorance, then, to me is a vice. Knowledge, to my own endorsement is a virtue! What you know makes you known, what you don't know keeps you in the dark.

My knowledge base back in school in those days put me at the edge of others. My results were outstanding and I become a 'school of thought' on popular demand.
Now I know (this is where I'm going actually)...
'It's d foolishness of d 'majority' that gives credence to the wisdom of the 'minority' few that are rather 'wise'. Some people will remain foolish so wisdom becomes a rarity. Remember, common as common sense is; it's still not common! You have to know where you belong...Are you wise or foolish?'.
--Exponent Samuel Adu
Now I know (this is where I'm going actually)...
'It's d foolishness of d 'majority' that gives credence to the wisdom of the 'minority' few that are rather 'wise'. Some people will remain foolish so wisdom becomes a rarity. Remember, common as common sense is; it's still not common! You have to know where you belong...Are you wise or foolish?'.
--Exponent Samuel Adu
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