Sacrifice By Exponent Samuel Adu

I have discovered from my little research that the story of every genuine star is that of sacrifice.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, like a Lamb to the slaughter, sacrificed himself to save the universe, despising the shame for the glory that was set before Him…
In Scriptures, the making of the covenant is always by sacrifice
Hence, the level of your exceeding greatness will be measured by your ability to make sacrifices.
Sacrifice can cost you to lose some level of comfort, and painfully sometimes lose your most priced and precious possessions.

Abraham, the father of faith, was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac and Isaac himself was willing to be a sacrificial lamb…this act of obedience made him the father of nations!
Today, we are all seeds of father Abraham…the price of sacrifice!
Sacrifice may come with pain, but the latter end is great gain (Gen. 22:7-14, Psa. 50:5)    
Nelson Mandela was jailed for 27 years because he wanted freedom for his people. Today, he is a legend! Posterity will never forget him.
Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard to pursue his dream of Microsoft Corporation—a course bigger than him. Today, He is the richest man in the world!
With sacrifice of time and energy, tiny termites build their gigantic nest
With perseverance, the snails sail to the ark
For gold to be refined and become the real gold we all cherish, it has to go through the fire
The Israelites had to pass through the wilderness before getting to Canaan 

Every good and worthwhile thing in life demands sacrifice of some sort
Like Abraham and his cousin, certain “Lots” may have to go otherwise you may loose your lot in life
You may have to loose some comfort today, like “leave your father’s house to the land I will show you” in other to be more comfortable tomorrow
He who works for honey must have the courage to face the bees
To become better you must do better things, you must make things better
And sometimes, better things come after several bitter experiences
To get to the top, you either use the staircase or a lever
To make things work, you will have to work rather than mere wishing
For a product to come out as final, it must go through production processes
To bring out treasure from your trash, you must go through training, a period of pressure

Don’t be deceived, success is not overnight; it’s an accumulation of efforts
To maintain and sustain your reputation capital,
You must break some bad habits, build character and integrity overtime,
You must showcase a great dose of wisdom values and principles
In your pursuit of greatness you will have to learn a few important things;
You must learn how to say “NO” to save your course,
You will need to drop some friends without looking back
You will need to delete some contacts from your address/phone book,
You may have to stop picking or calling some folks no matter who they are to you
This is very important: You will have to stop visiting some websites, read some books,
Listening to some music, or watch some videos…
You must be disciplined enough to sticking to your goals

See, betterment in life comes with sacrifice, with the forgone alternatives
Accomplishments in life are not by chance but by choose
You can choose to be rich or poor, to fail or become successful,
To be kind or evil, to love or hate, to be different or common
Some times in order to save the ship from sinking or the boat capsizing,
You must let go of some of the cargo or consignment,                                                       
You might even have to let go of some of the passengers
The sacrifice of your time, money, resources, energy etc is great contributor

To be around good friends, you must sacrifice the bad ones
To be among the wise, you must divorce from the folly and slothful
To escape poverty, fiscal slavery, lack and shortage in the future,
You must learn to live within or below your means today,
You must learn to delay instant gratification notwithstanding its temptation,
You must stop competing with the Jones and Joneses,
You must put an end to living the life of the “rat race”
You must practice what I called “forced savings”, investments and prudent spending
You must track your expenses or better still know where your money (income) is going
The fear of abject-poverty,  Lack, financial frustration and slvery id the beginning of savings, investment and prudent spendings….a bye-product of discipline, dedication and sacrifice

To overcome teenage pregnancy, sexual urge, lustful thinking, infatuation and the like,
You must build strong self control overtime, sustain focus and determination
To be the best, you must separate yourself from the rest, from the mob
To come out with A’s and emerge as success as a student aiming above average, and whose goal is to be primus enter pares (i.e. first among equals), regardless of your parental socio-economic status and literacy level, your background, up-bring or environment, you must burn the night candles, you must be dedicated and focused to your studies through rigorous research and voracious reading, you must choose intelligent friends, stop the habit of procrastination, minimize on play, partying, consistent television viewing, unproductive internet browsing and social media chatting, gossip and unproductive activities

To get the ultimate prize of success in time,
You must be willing to pay the price that comes with sacrifice in the main

Written By : Samuel Adu
                  Writer, Speaker, Inspirational Speaker, Entrepreneur

For Bookings: +234 806 208 2575, +234 808 297 0625
                      Fb: Xponent Xp, Adu Sammy
                      Twitter: @exponent_xp
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