GOD’S RAINBOW by Exponent Samuel Adu

Friends and loved one hallow!

Am hear for you so let’s go
What do you do and who do you run to?
When your hopes and aspirations crashed like the aircraft sosoliso
Relax! Here for you is God’s rainbow

When your spiritual tank runs very low
And your motivational temperature suddenly went below
When age and puberty makes you calm and mellow
Like the soloist you went solo
Relax! Here for you is God’s rainbow

When your confidence level lack a shear bravado
And your dreams of tomorrow seems shallow
When your present condition looks like nothing to be compared to a bravo!
Like ‘Mr. Lonely’ your entire existence seems stuck in the limbo
Relax! Here for you is God’s rainbow

When indecision, lack of motivation is the cause of your go-slow
And now your lifestyle is no longer hallowed
Alas, you are stranded and broke but no one is predisposed to borrow
You cry out for help but every says to you request, no
Relax! Here for you is God’s rainbow

When suddenly you lost control
Now you are a victim oh no!
All the way you feel so-so
For your harvest is less that the seeds you sow
Relax! Here for you is God’s rainbow

Like play, play game, nothing to show
For all you’ve claim to know
Like pains with no gain, everyone criticize you so
In agony you went on your knees to bend down low
Relax! Here for you is God’s rainbow

Like the opportunities and relationships you sacrificed in order to pursue your goal
Like the looses you suffer over which you have no control
Like the loose of a loved one but no one was around to console
Like the close friend than a brother that disappointed you so…
Relax! Here for you is God’s rainbow

All you need is make the Bible your pillow
And with humbleness ask God to show you His rainbow
For to Him alone you should hastily go
Never give up on Him by your N.O.
Relax! Here for you is God’s rainbow

Meditate on God’s word in lieu of fixing your eyes on satanic shadows
I tell you, God’s promises are like ski tow
It will sure pull you out of you sorrows
To give you a brighter tomorrow

Relax! Here for you is God’s rainbow

 By: Exponent Samuel Adu
Ghost Writer/Public Speaker/Students Activation Speaker/Brand Consultant/Poet/Emcee/Entrepreneur

for bookings: +234 806 208 2575, +234 808 297 0635
bbm pin: 32FD0FBB
email: sebez87@yahoo.co.uk

lets connect on social media;
facebook: Adu Sammy
               Xponent Xp
twitter: @exponent_xp
Linkedin: Adu Samuel


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