By Exponent Samuel Adu

Hi, friends what’s up?
I guess the sky is up
Please I need your attention, so sit up
I have thought and considered and now I want to open up
To expose some of the issues that messes us up
First, who says God does not exist, that person should shut his mouth up!
What are your struggles that you cannot hold up?
What are your fears that you cannot cheer up?
Who is sweeping your feet off the ground that you cannot zip up?
What makes you fall that you cannot stand up?
What situation may be pushing you to the wall that you cannot gear up?
Is it your family background? Then like David look up
Or is life frustrating you to the point that you feel like giving up?
Are there foes pretending to be your friend? Hey, be quick to break up
And look for companions to link up

Hello, have you been dreaming and never doing? Come on it’s time to wake up
What big plans do you have that you’ve been procrastinating? This year by all means start up
Don’t give in to worry and anxiety lest it eats you up
The truth is challenges are mere set up
For your raising up
Problems are one of those passages on your way up
They are there to distracting your focus on climbing the progress ladder one step up 
Hence, just be determined and optimistic and with time you’ll catch up
Yes! I believe greatness is part of your make up
So, for no reasons don’t be fed up
The problem is that we put our trust on man that is bound to fuck us up
Even our best friends can treat our fuck up
In fact, our boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse can stand us up at the bus stop
Surprise…? I have seen worst moments come up
But with smile my face lit up
However, only the word of God has the capacity to gear us up
The Blood of the Lamb alone is strong enough to clean us up
When the Spirit of God speaks, it’s crucial we listen up
Instead of being puffed up….

In conclusion, be encouraged as I round up this write up
I believe we all ain’t perfect, we all make silly mistakes so let wise up
The ups and downs we face are for our lifting up
So don’t let us loose hope but be determine never to give up
If 80% like you and 20% hate you, then keep it up
But for where you are going, every day dress yourself up
Cause you belong to the top
See you at the top!

Exponent Samuel Adu
Primus enter pares...first among equals
Ghost Writer/ Lyrical Poet/ Student Activation Speaker/ Emcee/ Seminer Facilitator/ Brand Innovation Consultant 
BB pin: 32FD0FBB
+234 806 208 2575, +234 808 297 0635


  1. hmm, sometimes, quitting may not mean giving up!


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