Bishop David Oyedepo shares Insights on Understanding the Covenant at Day 3 of TFOLC Word Explosion Conference 2018.

On Tuesday, April 10, 2018, Guest Minister, Bishop David Oyedepo of Living Faith Tabernacle, at the Day 3 Word Explosion Conference 2018, shares powerful and instructive insights on understanding the covenant. Defining the word Covenant, the Bishop said “Covenant is a deal enacted by God on a clear terms and sealed by an oath. It is a spiritual transaction we commit God to make good His promise”. Speaking on revelation as it relates to our understanding of the covenant, he said “Every revelation produces to the level of our understanding of it. Our covenant mentality is key to fulfilling our glorious destiny. Covenant mentality will deliver on too many days of fasting”. Referencing the following scripture verses Matt 13:33, 2Cor. 5:17-20, Joshua 11:45, Luke 19:17-19, Psalm 89:34, 2Cor. 11:3, Jere. 33:21-26, Prov. 14:28, John 15:16, Daniel 12:3, Prov. 11:30; 13:17, 1Tim. 2:4, Psa. 73: 17, Matthew 6:33 and 2Chro. 15:12, He expressed that as believers, we have a growin...