“ Nothing happens, nothing changes until you make a decision. Decision changes destiny.” --Samuel Adu What do you want? Another year is right here and the clock is ticking, the days are passing by, the weeks are rolling over, the first week of the first month is already gone! This year promises hope, opportunities, advancement, success and fortune as well as disappointments, failures, misfortune, economic challenges like the concurrent recessions, disequilibrium and chaos in our country. But you know what: you must decide what you want this year in spite of. This year can be same of the same as the previous year and the yesteryears. In fact, this New Year can just be the same as the previous year carried over or let me adopt the accounting term—brought forward if you make no move to improve your life, to advance your course, to be better. A change of date does not necessitate that the year is fresh or novel. What makes a year new, hopeful and promising is essentially a chan...