The question is: does Nigeria worth celebrating? This is a query in the minds of so many Nigerians. At such a time as this, some deem it as an avenue to express their grievance, discontent and disappointment. Really, our leaders have not lived up to their responsibilities, our expectations have been chattered, our hopes and aspirations for a better Nigeria-our fatherland is apparently uncertain. It is so dehumanizing seeing our educational sector is in a dilapidating state, our health sector is not healthy, boko haram is still bombing, threatening our peace, killing innocent citizens, now our Chibok school girls in Bornu State are still missing and our hitherto government is not doing anything about that, our roads are bad, we still cannot brag of a constant power supply, the economy is in a state of shameful hilarity. What a pity! What is the point celebrating our 54 th Independence Day celebration? We might have gotten independence from the Colonial masters but are we truth...