Tribute To My Friend, My Brother- Samuel Adewale

“Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family”. -- Proverbs 18:24 (MSG) I for one do not have too many close friends. I have a lot of friends though, but I choose my close friends wisely. If I can call you my best friend, you must have pass the test of bringing the best in me overtime. I grew up having so many friends, but with the passage of time, the friendships faded away. Purpose separated us without our consent! But you among the very few, are still standing like rock! We share a lot of things in common though, that’s fine, and the reason, essentially, the longevity and the consolidation of my friendship with you all these years. Funny enough, we bear the same first name. Truly, every “Samuel” are great! You are a visionary leader, dogged, purposeful and spirit-filled. You are a mentor to the younger generation, a youth leader with a passion, ordained Pastor fulfilling purpose, God-lover, demon-damager-prayer-warrior! Oh, if ...