Of Hopelessness And The Cause Of Suicide: Find Succour
Hopelessness is not the cause of most suicides. It is preceded by a state of existence more superior.
The precursor of suicide goes beyond the superficial happenstance and the seeming disappointment, backstab, betrayal and abuse that most people experience. The thought of taking ones life is a pointer and a conclusive proof of lose of hope an continual existence.
The hopelessness of a man is as a result of the state of confusion and a deep-rooted frustration he finds himself. We ALL experience hopelessness at some points in our lives but that does not validate the idea that life is void of meaning, thus, why seize to exist?
The meaning of life, essentially, is to live a life of meaning; a life worthy of emulation to the point that after one is long gone, society is greatful that he came.
When a man lacks the courage to move on, and buy the idea that life is worthless and meaningless, when he gets to a point that he becomes clueless and indecisive; a state in his life that he has lost his sense of thoroughness, sound thinking and right judgment, when he has concluded that he is better on "the other side" than still here just wallowing in self pity, complaining and explaining his pain to no gain, just know that he is on a suicide mission!
Many are dead while living. Some are just living corps. Others have lost it completely. The majority are stranded in their life's journey. More people are giving up on life as a result of the level of frustration they experience daily; raising bills, low standard of living, lack, liquidation high cost of living as a result of inflationary trends, failing businesses and low income generation, economic downtime etal...
Suicide is fast-becoming a panacea to ending problems and challenges life throws at us. What then shall be done?
What you are going through and will go through is and will not be new to mortals. Your adversary is actually to your advantage! Look around you, look within you, look up. Hold on to your faith and trust in God's integrity to come through for you. He never fails. He never disappoints. Call Him into your situation. When He answers later, He answers better. Trust Him 100% and see Him come through for you. He makes ALL things beautiful in His time.
When the ships are down....God, and not man, is your succour point!
It is not the end for you. You will finish well!
I remain your Exponent
Primus inter pares...first amongst equals
Primus inter pares...first amongst equals
© @exponent_sam
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