
Showing posts from October, 2018


Every action you take is a reaction for mastery! Up till date, the law of repetition (of a behavior), ceteris paribus , empowers it! What you believe, and behave overtime, you will eventually become! Success or failure, as you want to know, is the reinforcement or sum total of your daily routines repeated! Your daily decisions, and not your dreams—the fragment of your imagination, determines your destiny! Busted! Ideas don’t rule the world, Ideators do! The principles and patterns you follow determine what you practice! Regardless of your avocation (talent) or occupation, without fuel (passion) it will defunct! The friends you keep tell us how you will end! Your association is a determiner of what you assimilate! The wittiness or waggishness of words you speak are shaping your world with or without your consent! Your adaption and “take” is a function of your environment! The season you do not prepare for, you don’t enjoy its return benefits! One minu